Chapter 11

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"So, how did the fight start, Becs?" Lexie questioned, breaking the comfortable silence in the car. I look at her through the mirror, and cleared my throat, I really don't want to talk especially about this.

Before opening my mouth, I glance over to Chloe, it's still kind of surreal to have her near me for this long. "She was actually protecting Emily, from this big bad bully and his huge friends." Chloe spoke up, I nodded in appreciation, smiling slightly.

"Really? Did they hurt her? Cause I'd beat them to a pulp." I glance up seeing my little brother pounding his fist into his hand, and I chuckle at his expression.

"Did you kick there asses, Beca?" Junie took me by surprise with his question.

"Language, Junebug....And you know I did." I said with a smirk. "But seriously, tell me what the rules of fighting is." They all sighed before getting ready to count of the rules.

"Rule number 1, don't fight unless someone's coming after the people you care for. Or to protect somebody who's defenseless." Bailee started off, wrapping her arm around Bryson when she said someone you care for.

"Rule number 2, don't hit anybody first. You can't say it was self defense, if you hit them first." Lexi spoke up with a smirk.

"Rule number 3, don't fight anybody that's defenseless or can't amount to a fair fight. And don't continue the fight if they're on the ground, it won't be a fair fight." Bryson said this one.

"Rule number 4, always make sure that fighting is the absolute last option, stand up for yourself but don't jump to fighting first." Junie finished it off.

"Rule number 5, never use fighting as a form of bullying. Bullying is for the weak, and it only hurt yourself and other people in the end." Emily, who was quietly sitting in the third row spoke up.

"Lastly, don't get caught, don't get sent to jail and don't lose. Fighting is the last option, but losing isn't an option, at all." They all said in unison with a chuckle. It was sort of a joke that I made up, we say it's a joke but we know it's partly serious.

Chloe looked back and forth between the kids and I, making me chuckle at her bewildered expression.

"Are we going to the center today, Becs?" Bryson asked me, making me shake my head, "well, where are we going then?"

"Let's just say we all need supplies, right?" I got this warm feeling in my chest , when I saw the excitement on their faces as they understood what I meant. "I'm sure our scientist group is about ready for their next experiment. We're gonna blow some sh- stuff up!" I catch myself before I have to put a dollar in the swear jar. I heard them cheer anyway at our next project.

"You guys are really going to blow something up? Isn't that danger, for your ages?" Chloe says worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's mostly bottle rockets, elephant toothpaste, volcanoes, pop and mints, and anything else science related. Bear started teaching us about different science stuff a couple years ago, when Bryce and I started being interested in her chem homework." Lexi explained with a bright smile, she like her older sister, Stacie, are a pair of geniuses and it makes me proud to be able to teach her and my brother this type of stuff.

"That's so cool! And very sweet of you Beca. You guys must be really smart then, yeah?" Chloe says and starts a conversation with them about their favorite aspects of science. They all like different types, like Bryce likes all of it together, Junie likes stuff dealing with space and electricity, Lexi likes chemical and medicine and Bails and Em likes environmental science. I drive in content silence, enjoying the fact the the redhead next to me seems so interested in my favorite people lives.

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