I - Summer Festival

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The sun was nearly gone as the festival continued. The townsfolk danced and sang as the night came upon them. The festival was for the summer. It was the first day of summer and as usual they would have their festival and mass at midnight. Lanterns were lit everywhere trying to hold the light before the strong wind from the water blew it away. Father Paul and Elder Watson were getting ready to gather the town for the mass. 

Father Paul was the head priest in town. A rounded man with a long orange beard and a shiny bald head. He was a former sailor but was kidnapped during the war and met a priest there who baptized him and confirmed him as a catholic. While Elder Watson was a native to the town. Elder Watson was a muscular older man that was obviously stronger than he looked. He is also seen as a town leader that rules with an iron fist.

Local guards started to patrol the streets leisurely. No one was out doing any trouble. People were either at home celebrating or at the church celebrating. No one was out, the streets were empty. As the time came close for mass to begin Elder Watson called a young fellow over to the church stairs, young bastard children followed him. The young man's name was Isic. He looked tired and lonely though he was surrounded by the children. They were close to his age but he was far more mature than them. That's why he was the young man and the others were children. Isic was getting paid by the church to paint the outside walls. The children joined him. The church paid him and he gave that money to the children. He needed no reward for doing something for the church. 

"Isic," said the elder, "Would you like to have mass with us?"

Isic shrugged and nodded mumbling something before being pushed in the church. The children followed him and scattered around the holy place going to their spots, some sang and others got ready to serve at mass. Isic sat in the back of the church very close to the door. He had been moving all day, serving and helping around during the festival that he barely got a chance to enjoy it. He started to take long blinks. He blinked for a long and didn't open his eyes until the congregation stood up. 

As usual he stood up while yawning and rubbing his eyes. His hands clinched the bench in front of him to prevent him from falling over. Isic would never sing the songs, he would hum them with his eyes closed and saying the words in his head. This time there was a pause before the song, an eerie silence fell upon the congregation. Sister Mary entered the church and quickly walked to Father Paul. Everyone saw her whisper something in his ear.

Sister Mary was also a native of the town. She joined the church when she was young, but hasn't made her temporary vows yet. She was sent way to serve in the church in the royal castle. Isic was surprised to see her and knew if she was here the King wanted something, and with the silence, it wasn't good. Before Father Paul could respond to her the church doors were kicked open by royal guards followed by the royal family, the king, the queen, the prince and the princess. Isic's ears perked open to listen. Sister Mary made her way to Isic and sat next to him while the royal family sat in the front.

"Sister Mary," Isic whispered.

"Isic," she whispered worriedly

"Welcome back."

"I fear my stay is short lived, there is trouble in the land. The king needs men."


"Much, much worse than war, Isic. Much much worse." she made the sign of the cross and looked up. her pupils turned snow white for a second and then back to their dark green color. 

"Still have those visions I see."

"Oh Isic," she softly cried. The congregation began to sing and it tuned out what she was saying all Isic heard was, "I fear for your life, Isic for hell is around the corner."

"I thought you becoming a nun you would have known, Sister Mary, for hell is around every corner."

Begin Part 1.

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