XII - No Survivors

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The lighting changed slightly

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The lighting changed slightly. Instead of walking in only moonlight they walked in the sun light. It remained dawn. The sun never moved a little bit, but not a lot. They reached the top of the mountain quickly. Across the way was a stone statue of a man holding a book. The statue was underneath a tree with bright red apples on it. As soon as they saw it. Hreg told them do not eat the apples. They all nodded and said they wouldn't.

They could see the statue from across the bridge. The journey was almost over. All they need to do is get across and kill the demon. They decided to take a short break before continuing. Noviah did his usual and walked around praying quietly, but he made sure to keep his distance from the tree. Calogne sat on the edge of the cliff eating bread and sipping water examining the landscape in front of him. He softly hummed a tune of his. Yeven sat under the tree and covered his eyes to take a nap. Isic wrote a everything down on paper from the point he left to across the bridge he rolled it and tied a bow on it and held it in his hand as Hreg approached him. Hreg paced in front of Isic as he sat on a tree stump. They were near Calogne, and they spoke.

"Isic," Hreg said. "My father once said If you see something wrong in the world, you can do one of two things. Do nothing, or try and fix it. I already tried nothing. So now I'm trying to fix it." 

Yeven opened his eyes to see Noviah away with his head low swaying and praying with his back turned to him.

"Doing the right thing is messy, But if you want to fight for what's right, sometimes you have to fight dirty."

Yeven slowly stood up and surveyed the area to look for eyes watching him.

"I am going to do what's right, what I was ordered to do. By my lord. My savior. My king."

Yeven yanked an apple off of the tree and looked at it. 

"No survivors." Yeven muttered loudly.

Yeven bit into the apple. Vines rose from the ground trapping Noviah in a vine cage. Hreg kicked Calogne off the edge and stabbeded Isic as he stood up to defend himself. As he drove the knife deeper he whispered in his ear "No Survivors." Then he pushed his body over the edge. Both bodies landed in the river and went down a waterfall. Yeven's ears began to ring and his head became tense and pressured. His head exploded and his headless body rolled down the hill to Noviah. Hreg lit the cage on fire letting Noviah burn alive. Hreg walked off in the distance to meet the demon. 

The King sat on his throne brooding and waiting for any sort of news. Hreg stepped in the throne room alone with the King. "I did as I was told, sir." Hreg said. 

"Good, the demon is gone?"

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the Sa'ran." 

The demon appeared as a long shadow of the King's and laughed in his face. Hreg drew his sword and pointed it at the King." That throne will be mine. Hreg charged at the King. He stood up to move but Hreg was too close and caught him.

The King caught the blade with his hands, Hreg drove him back in to the throne. The kings kicked Hreg away and pulled the sword away from him. The demon watched as they fought. The King swung the sword but Hreg dodged them getting close enough to punch the king and take out a hidden blade to stab him. The king fell back in his throne, tipped the throne over when he fell and his body slid a little. Hreg laughed in excitement, and accomplishment. The queen took the sword and stuck it through Hreg's back and the blade came up though Hreg's chest. The shadow entered the Kings's mouth and made him rise from the dead. It was no longer her husband, it was the demon. She promised to marry him if he could giver her all the power in the world. The body of the king rolled his eyes and yellow eyes appeared.

"I am Sa'ran." He stated. He let out a slight roar to announce his arrival. His first order of business was to arrest Sister Mary.

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