X - Black Sun Orchard

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The gate wasn't far from the training grounds. They rode in a black carriage, incognito from the rest of the world. Some believed that they weren't coming back, that this was a suicide mission and they weren't going to back it. They would sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Isic refused to believe that. He was going to make it back, he was going to marry Princess Felonia.

 "Here we are," Said Hreg, "Black Sun Orchard," 

They stepped out one by one looking at the house on a hill. It was a large old stone house. The apple trees surrounding the house were old and withered. The bark was turning grey and the apples were rotten and falling to the ground. Noviah made the sign of the gross and held up his rosary. Hreg took the first step towards the house. Yeven immediately followed. Calogne tapped Isic on the chest and motioned for him to follow and he did. Noviah put away his rosary and was the last to follow.

Inside the home was nothing. A few chairs surrounding a extinguished fire pit. The walls were stained with blood, and the fire pit had bones in it. Bones were spread out around the house. Towards the back was a room split in half by a wooden wall. The wall had a wooden door on it with bronze trimming. On the other side of the wall was nothing, not even the door. 

"Hreg, this doesn't seem right." said Noviah.

An evil presence filled the room and put everyone on edge and made them rush.

"Hreg we either go through this door, or we get out of here." said Yeven

"Yeah, we gotta go."

It felt like something was closing in on them fast. Noviah pulled out his sword and his rosary and circled the room watching. Yeven gripped his bow tighter and was ready to pull out an arrow. 

"Hreg something's coming. We gotta go now!" Yeven said. 

A loud screech came from the window and a black mist flew over the house scouting its attack path. Hreg froze for a moment absorbing his surroundings. More flying mist figures came out from the trees and started circling the house. 

"Hold the room!" Noviah shouted. The blacks mists turned in to one large mist circling house putting it in a black tornado. Hreg told his men to stand their ground and be prepared to fight. Yeven pulled out and arrow and mounted himself on the window ready to attack. Noviah commanded Isic and Calogne to guard the door to the room as he took the other window. Hreg tried the door but I wouldn't move. 

Stones from the house started flying in to the mist and disappearing. It took it apart stone by stone. The sky was dark but enough light to see without a light. The grass was a lovely green that brushed smoothly against their armor. The entire house was gone including the door. They watched as the mist faded away and they say they were no longer on the orchard. The land was a flat grass land with a black sky and the sun behind a black moon. A cold wind rushed over them. And a atmosphere of darkness, loneliness and evil loomed over them in the background. In the middle of the field stood an stone angel. Her right arm crossed her body as she was looking and point to her left. The grass opened up revealing a dirt path heading towards a  forest. A dark forest. In the distance they could see a white object in a tree. 

"Are we here?" Calogne asked worriedly.

"Yes we are." Hreg answered. "It's exactly how I remember it. Cold and dark, like nothing changed."

"The plan is to kill a demon, where is this demon?" 

"Over the horse's bridge. And this angel will show us exactly how to get there. Are you all ready to go?"

"One question, are we in hell?" Isic asked.

Hreg ignored his question and started following the path. The other followed. Isic assumed he had to follow to. 

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