VIII - To Teach You A Lesson

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Isic wasn't good with a sword, not at all, but they still gave him a sword and armor. He would try his best but fail each time. Yeven told Isic to charge at him. Isic ran towards him with the point of the sword coming at him. Yeven blocked it with one swing and placed his footing to trip Isic. Isic fell face firts hitting the ground hard and getting dirt in his mouth.

"Come on, Isic! We've been at this for a week now, and you still can't get it. Hreg's not gonna like this. He's taught you, I've taught you. We've all taught you something, now quit being a little shit and use it." Isic was on all fours getting back up but Yeven kicked him back down. 

Isic rolled on his back clinching his stomach in pain. "What was that for?" he asked with his eyes tightly shut.

"To teach you a lesson." Yeven took off his shirt revealing his tattoos and his lean muscular body. Some of the female servants stopped their work to watch him. Then he replaced his sword with a wooden sword, and grabbed one for Isic and tossed it to him. "Today's lesson, Isic, survival."

Hreg stepped out in to the sun away from the barre of water to watch. He motioned for the other not to do anything. Noviah and Father John sat on a bench in the shade, each with a bible in their hand. Calonge stepped down with Hreg and cheered a little for the fight. His accent and actions were frowned upon. 

Isic followed suit and took off his blouse revealing his un-muscular body, no tattoos, and nothing special. The women compared and liked Yeven more. 

"They'll attack you, the fight will be unfair!" Yeven charged at Isic on the ground. Isic slid away from the attack and stood up. He played the defense blocking some of Yeven's attack. Yeven would attack left then right, and keep going back and forth. Isic smiled a little thinking he had the upper hand. He anticipated Yeven's next attack would be left since he went right. But Yeven attacked right again and struck Isic in his side, then the shoulder and the legs. He fell to one knee and Yeven punched him. 

"You give up, because us four can do it ourselves."

Isic got back up and charged after Yeven. Yeven dodged it. Isic saw it coming, while trying to stop himself he slid and fell. Some laughed. Isic was beginning to get angry. He stood back up again and watched Yeven. Yeven circled him. "No." Isic said. He swallowed the blood in his mouth. "I'm coming with you, I need this." 

"Then act like it. Survive.  Act like you're the third monkey trying to get on Noah's ark and bitch, it's raining! Do you feel that pain. Listen to it. Are you listening? Can you hear it-can you taste it? It's a teacher and a fortune teller. Pain teaches us who we are. Sometimes it's gonna get so bad that we feel like we're dying, but we can't really live until we die a little." Yeven charged at Isic from behind. Isic heard him and jumped. He didn't know what to do while in the air so he swung his body around and kicked. His foot hit Yeven right in the face. Yeven fell backwards as blood ran down his nose, Isic jumped on top of him. He punched him in the face and looked at Hreg. Then he did it again.

"Enough." Hreg said.

Isic didn't stop. Noviah and Calogne ran to push Isic off. Isic ran to the pile of wooden swords and picked up another one. Noviah attacked first. He Had his greatsword in hand and held it above his head ready to swing. Isic threw one of the swords forcing Noviah to swing to block it. As he swing down, Isic waited then tackled him to the ground grabbing his sword using it to block Calogne's attacks. Calogne was slightly better than Isic. It was an even match, but Isic was growing. He parred one attack and disarmed Calogne. But the fight wasn't over. He punched Calogne and kicked him while he was down. He took off Calogne's gauntlet and beat Noviah with it when he got up. Hreg grabbed him and forced him to stop. 

"Isic, Isic!" he called. "It's over, you have nothing else to prove, go Father John wants to see you."

Isic shook Hreg off and threw down his weapons. He lifted his hands up in peace and grabbed his shirt as Father John led him to his office. 

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