XIV - Part Of The Journey Is The End

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Isic's body floated to a sand shore and rested there. a few yards away there was grass a brilliant green color. Isic's eyes were open, the wave of the water moved him a little but not much. His clothes were soaking wet, and he was cold. "It didn't even hurt that much." he said. "I thought I'd make it to the end. I realized I couldn't breathe when I was falling. I smacked against the water and let myself sink. Betrayal. I guess part of the journey is the end."

"Where there is an end, there is a beginning, Isic." A powerful voice amplified from all over filled the space and spoke to Isic.

"I'm dead."

"So are others."

"Fuck. Sa'ran won."

"Do you understand that I won't let that happen."

"How? How, God how?"

"Don't question me, you can't create your own storm and get mad when it rains."

"Are you saying I caused this?"

"You killed Timothy, remember?"

Isic turned to his side as if he could turn away from the voice, "yes." he replied.

"Good. Now Isic, I'm gonna need you to stand up, and get in the water. In the water is a cross, grab it and it will guide you to the end."

Isic stood up "What about Calogne? I want him back." 

"He's forgiven."

Isic looked in the water and started walking in it looking for a cross. He dived in it to search and saw one slowly sinking. He pushed himself down in the water to reach it. Once it was within reach he grabbed it. It burned red hot in his hands and forced him out of the water on to the shore of a river. Calogne appeared out of the water next to him, they helped each other to the shore and rested there.

"I thought I was dead." Calogne said.

"You were, but I brought you back, we have to stop Sa'ran, the demon."

"Last time we tried, Hreg killed us."

"But God saved us." Isic stood up still soaking wet and offered his hand to Calogne to help him up.

"Why me of all people?" 

"I trust you the most." 

Calogne used Isic's help to stand up. They were standing by the river that led in to the city where the royal castle was. They had no plan of attack or anything. As they walked to the nearest town they spoke.

"Isic, we barely know each other, and I just died. We have a demon to fight, how do we even kill it? So much of this doesn't make any sense to me."

"Don't worry I spoke to God. I know exactly what to do." 

"I'm trusting you."

"Please do, God is on our side."

Isic and Calogne proceeded to walk to the closest town to plan there. Meanwhile Felonia made it out of the gates of the city. She was unknowingly headed to the same town as Isic and Calogne. 

When they made it to the town they stood on the edge watching the people go by. Isic sighed as  he knew the real fight was coming. Calogne was at his side ready to go.

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