II - Just Expendable Ones

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During mass, Sister Mary would randomly have flashes of visions and tear up and look down. Isic started to worry but his eye was on the princess. The royal family was sitting in a pew on the side of the alter. It was the pew for special guests. He would peek over at her and she would always notice and stare back. His gaze would shift down or forward and pretend that nothing was happening.

"Isic," Sister Mary whispered, "She's going to come looking for you after mass."

"Looks like I'll have to dip out early then." he replied.

Sister Mary was at least six inches shorter than Isic and smaller than him. She held his hand during the end of mass and squeezed it. She wasn't going to let him go. He noticed she had an unholy grip on his hand and he couldn't get her to let go. One of the bastard sons watched Isic struggle to get out of Sister Mary's grip. The bastard chuckled a little. 

By the time she let go of his hand mass was over. and he started to dart away down the stairs but was confronted by the Princess. 

"Where are you off to in such a rush, Isic." she said.

He was surprised she knew his name. He lowered his head and slightly bowed mumbling "your highness," and trying to step away, but she stepped where he stepped, blocking his path forward.

"Aren't you going to talk to me, Isic, Sister Mary talks about you often, and it's great to finally meet you."

He looked up at her reluctantly "Hello, princess." he said. She was beautiful. To the land and including Isic she was the definition of perfect. Sister Mary joined them and formally introduced them. "Isic meet Princess Felonia  The Princess told them how her dad has business with Father Paul and she wanted an escort to her tent. Though the guards were about ten feet away. They told her the tents were ready yet and it'd be best for her to remain in the church until then. 

In the meantime Sister Mary decided to "bless their ears" in song with a few of the children. Her voice lifted up in the church and carried out in the town in unison with the children. It made the Princess excited that she began to sing with them. 

Their voices could be heard throughout the town. Everyone became quiet and leaned their ear towards the window to listen to them. As they sang the waters grew still and the wind ceased for a moment. Isic rose from his seat and wondered the church looking at the stations of the cross. 

First was a large wooden carving of Christ accepting the cross. It was magnificent, crafted by a true artist. Isic was quickly distracted by the voices in the office nearby. He crept by to listen a little. Obviously one voice was Father Paul and the other was Elder Watson, but the other was a deep voice they he didn't recognize.

"I don't need more men, just expendable ones." the unknown voice said. "They might not make it to the end but they'll get far with Hreg's help."

"Hreg? You've got to be kidding." said Father Paul.

"Yes, They need to get to the center of it and destroy it. He can lead them there and back."

"But there's a chance of them not coming back isn't?"

"I've sent a hundred men down there already and non have returned but Hreg, to the center and back. He says a small group will make it. So I've been offering towns the chance to pay their taxes, with a volunteer, there's only one more spot. This is your only chance."

"We have to do this, we need the money to finish the additions to the school." exclaimed Elder Watson."

"I refuse to send one of my own. No, we won't do this."

"At least let the town vote."

"No," Father Paul rose out of his seat "No one will know about this, My King you will leave in peace when you want, none of this will make it to the public."

Isic pretended to pray as they exited the office. The king ignored him, but Elder Watson eyeballed him. When the singing ended an eerie silence fell upon the town. Before Elder Watson exited the church he looked up at the cross, "And so he said." 

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