V - I Have My Things

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The same day Isic murdered Timothy he went to visit Princess Felonia. She was in the garden of the church, in the back hidden from the rest of the world. Her heart was broken that Isic refused to go with her. She set it perfectly, they would ride in a carriage together back to the city. She would show him how she lived, and all of the things she knew. She wore fantastic blue dress that just brushed against the grass and and decorated magnificently at the bottom. It was a new dress she'd never worn before. But she wanted to wear it for him. She tipped her ladies to help her apply make-up perfectly. She sucked in her stomach and slid in the dress and stuck her chest out and pushed up her breast dressing more like a woman than a girl in a Princess dress. Heads turned as she walked through the street going to speak with him. Their conversation was short. And he walked away telling her "no." It didn't even seem like he noticed her effort to look her best. 

This time, the sun was behind clouds. And it was getting dark. Not dark as in night, but gloomy. The weather was showing Princess Felonia's feelings. Behind the church was a lonely garden taken care of a widowed mother once a day in the mornings. Then afterwards no one went back there. It was a beautiful empty oasis behind the church. She sat there with one hand in her lap and one hand on the stone bench she was sitting on. The Princess was positioned as if she was ready to curl in a ball on the bench. She was sniffing and crying with make-up running down her face. 

In the corner of her eye she saw Isic. It began to rain when he appeared. She didn't move, it just made her cry more. She tried to hold it in but it just made her sniff more and jerk back when she did. He walked over to her with his bag over his shoulder, and a sat down next to here and placed his hand over hers on the bench. Then he slid the bag off of his shoulder on to the ground. Isic actually saw her. He was amazed by what he saw. Her pure, raw and natural beauty. Though she looked sad, she was still pretty. He leaned in close to get a better look at her and she slowly leaned in to. His eyes were inspecting all the points on her face and her eyes did the same. Isic used his other hand and placed it gently on her chin and slightly pulling her forwards. She moved quickly and put her hands on his cheeks and wrapping them around his head landing her pinky finger by his ears. Princess Felonia pulled him forward and placed her lips on his. He went along with it kissing her back and closing his eyes. They moved back and forth pulling each other not wanting to let go of the moment or what they were feeling then. Eventually Isic had to pull away but she wanted more and leaned in for more but he pulled back.

"What?" she said worriedly.

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you I'm coming with you. I have my things. I'm ready to go." He said

"Really? What changed your mind?"

"I want to leave my past behind and start a new future." A thought of Timothy flashed across his mind. Then Debbie, and then the knife.

"Come, let's go tell Mary." She kissed him and grabbed his hand pulling him inside.

Debbie buried Timothy in the woods and left an unmarked grave. She sobbed and stumbled through the woods back to the town. She carried the bloody knife with Timothy's blood on it in her hand publicly about halfway to her house then hid it in her sleeve. Once she made it home she grabbed a mirror and stood in front of it crying. She mumbled something and began cutting her hair with the knife. Debbie cut it all the way down to her scalp on one side, and left the other untouched and covering her scared eye. 

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