VI - Let The Devil Out

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The royal family had already packed to leave and was gone by noon the next day. Elder Watson made an arrangement with the King for him to take Isic, and they will be tax free for awhile. Before they left, Sister Mary told Father Paul her visions. She said Heaven and hell will collide. He took his iron rosary and gave it to her and commanded her to pray with that. And his last words to her were "Heaven and Hell are right here. Behind every wall, behind every door, right here, Sister Mary. And no one has to understand your visions, no matter how many ways you try to explain them. Only you have to understand it." She kept the iron rosary. She felt uneasy with Isic coming along with the visions she saw. She prayed and kept her faith trusting everything was going to be alright.

The trip to the city doesn't have to be told. Isic, Sister Mary, and Princess Felonia road in the same carriage back to the city. They talked, laughed and enjoyed each other's company. The Queen noticed how close Isic and her daughter were becoming and felt sorry for what her husband was about to do to him.

Meanwhile, the day after they left, that evening Debbie went to visit Father Paul. Earlier that morning she visited her brother's grave and on the way back she passed Isic's parents' graves and apologetically apologized for what she would do if he'd ever returned back to town. She didn't want him to come back. She would only get revenge if he came back. Since he left she hoped and prayed that he wouldn't return. But at that moment she lost faith in God. Why would God take her brother, and raise her in a horrible life of crime. This was hurting her soul, and breaking her mind. The good in her was fading, and evil began to corrupt her.

She picked up the knife that took her brother's life and stuck it in her belt. 

"Debbie," a voice called out to her. It was a dark voice, deep that made her shiver. "Debbie, listen to me. Look over here." She looked over at her mirror where her cut hair still laid. She peeked at her reflection and saw something evil. The half of her face that was cover became demonic and demented. He eye was and evil reddish-yellow. As soon as she saw that she shut her eyes and froze. "Listen to me Debbie. What Isic did was wrong, but you can't change that. I can change it. Me and my power. Power that can make this town yours. You can take it, and rule. Give me your life Debbie and I will give your brother his. And I will grant you my power, and all you want will be yours. Just say you are mine. Sell me your soul."

"Stop, stop! How do I know you're real? What power? How do I know I can trust you?"

"Debbie, I know all about you." He began to tell her, her own childhood and everything she did. The good, the bad and the ugly. Slowly she started to believe he was real. And recognized his power and was prepared to give her soul to him so her brother could return. But she didn't want him back. She just wanted the power to make other feel the way she does now. She wanted to power to make herself feel important, needed, or wanted. So she gave herself to him. She could feel his presence right behind her as if he was actually standing there. He told her to open her eyes and look. She did, her face returned to normal but her pupils were still a demonic reddish-yellow. He told her his power is hers.

Then she went to the church that evening, and caught Father Paul cleaning up after giving a lesson on one of Jesus's parables. She walked in with a dark aura around her. Father Paul immediately noticed it. The demon was with her in her head. She slowly walked up to him listening to the demon "You can suffocate evil, starve it, lock t behind bars, but it will find a way to come back even stronger. There's only one true way to end evil, to finish it for good. Let the devil out."

"Father Paul," she said out loud. "You know Isic."

"I do." he replied.

"He killed my fucking brother."

"I know."

Debbie stopped. That caught her off guard. "You do?" It made her lose her balance a little and she had to sit in a pew. Father Paul walked over to her and sat in the pew in front of her. 

"I'm not supposed to tell you people's confessions. But I have a feeling I won't be making it through the night. Debbie, men are still good. We fight. We kill. We betray one another. But we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to. I'm sorry he did that. I forgave him. God will. I'm sorry you lost your brother. Isic isn't a hero or a villain, he's just him doing-"

"There are no  heroes or villains, Just people with different agendas. You're always sorry, Father. And there's always a speech. And truthfully, I don't care if you're sorry. Father, I came to tell you that," she began to cry and rubber her legs nervously, but she spoke confidently. "That I sold my soul to what I believe is the devil. He gave me power. And I like the power. I didn't know why I wanted it, or what I'd do with it, I just needed to have it. And now I know what I'm going to do with it. The world isn't right. Bad people are out there and need to be punished. And I'm going to do it. I'm going to make them feel pain. As much pain I was in when Isic killed Timothy. I'm going to make people hurt. Because if I have to suffer, then others will to. Darkness only responds to darkness, Father. Your God can not save you now. People think in terms of good and evil. but really, time is the true enemy of us all. Time kills everything. And Father Paul," she let out a deep breath and smiled. "It's your time to die." Debbie grabbed him and drove the knife just past his heart.

"I'e seen evil, and I am looking at it now." Father Paul muttered with his last breath

 She cut around his heart, opening up his chest and pulling his heart out. 

"Good," said the demon. "Take his heart, and burn the church down. Burn it all to the ground."

With Father Paul's heart still in her hand she swayed over to the candles near the altar and tipped them all over lighting the banners on fire that caught the wood on fire and let it spread. She freely left the church giving herself completely to the demon.

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