III - The Silence is Your Answer

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Debbie was a young woman with long red hair and a very fit body that made all the men turn their heads. Though they would look away once they saw her face. She had a large scar on her face that made her blind in one eye, and she had a slight limp. Sometimes when the boys would catch her bathing they would see the burns on the side of her body, her brother Timothy was older than her and much bigger. His nick name was Tim the Giant. He loved to do two things, play with rabbits and eat tons of food. 

The next day the royal family set up camp for a few days. The King was trying again to convince Father Paul to volunteer someone but he refused to hear it until the afternoon, he had to deal with the morning mass and read to the blind man on Saturdays. The Queen decided to go with the King, leaving the sickly Prince in his tent and the Princess to roam the town with Sister Mary and Isic. 

"Isic, may I ask you a question?" asked the Princess. They were just walking with guards nearby. "Tell me about your parents."

"Both of them are dead. Killed by a giant." he responded.

"A giant? Those don't exist, right Sister Mary?" she turned to look at her. Sister Mary shrugged.

"Do you go out often, Princess?" 

"Around the city, yes. Around the country, no. I rarely leave the castle sometimes."

"Well Princess, there's a lot of stuff out here that make's me wonder. Look at this flower." he picked up a white flower and held it just out of her reach. Of course she reached for it but he stepped back. "What does this flower look like?"

"An ordinary flower."

"There's a word I'd like to see buried. Ordinary. Nothing's ordinary in the world anymore, especially not this one." said Debbie limping out of the flower bush. Guards quickly rushed up to her and made her step back. Mary clinched on to the Princess. And Debbie pressed against the guards ready to fight.

"Debbie." muddled Isic.

"Isic." muddled Debbie. "These guards think they have honor." She looked at each of them saying. "Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghost if honor matters. The silence is your answer."

"Ghost don't exist, do they Sister Mary?" The Princess turned to ask her.

Debbie dipped back in the bushes and the guards walked closer to the Princess. She ran away and down to her father's house. She opened his window and rolled on the floor. "Father," she said, "I'm here."

"Debs, I need you and your brother to do something for me." her father said. He sat in a large chair cleaning his nails with a knife. The room was well lit and had many pictures of their family. Elder Watson was her father. Underneath the house was a large stash from his new illegal business he's running through the port. "See that green bag on the table?" she nodded. "Take it and slip it in Isic drink tonight.

"You are doing this to help your town Debbie." The King stepped in the room. "Your father made a deal with me to give me Isic for my team. Slip that in his drink, and we'll take him at night, just send a messager bird and we'll get him."

"Look at this, the King making deals with a criminal." Debbie darted

"I care about money." Elder Watson responded.

"All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class of criminal. And Once I do this, I'm gonna give it to them." She grabbed the bag and rolled out of the window but fell because of her leg. "

The Queen stepped out of the shadows and congratulated the men for sending a young man to his death, she wished that they were happy. The guards have been watching the Princess and Isic and noticed how close they were getting. 

Isic and the Princess were outside the church having lunch while Sister Mary went to talk to Father Paul. She held her tears until she reached his office. "It's Isic." she cried out. "In my visions, it's Isic, Father!" she fell to her knees and cried in his lap. Father Paul comforted her and rubbed his eyes. He rubbed too hard that they turned in to a yellow fiery fury color, but he blinked and they turned back to normal. He heard Sister Mary explaining her visions but he didn't understand a word of it, or how any of it made sense. He touched her head and she fell backwards in an unconscious state. Father Paul placed his hand on the cross and said "Gabriel, help."

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