IV - Patience is Power

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The day for Princess Felonia and Sister Mary was quickly approaching. It was obvious that Felonia and Isic were becoming very fond of each other, people haven't seen him this happy in a long time. Alone in a small garden she asked him to come back to the city with her for awhile and just stay there, maybe get a job and move there. He couldn't. His answer no, and he walked away for the evening. That bruised the Princess's heart. She acted gloomy and out of place for the rest of the day. 

Isic walked to the edge of the woods and slowly disappeared in them. There a very faint foot path that led deep in the woods to small campsite The grass was gone in that small spot. In the dirt was a small tent with one bedroll and a chest full of stuff. Outside the tent was a fire pit with a pot hanging over it. It had rotten food in it and flies began flying around it and some going in the brown goo and getting stuck. Near the tent were two grave sites, on tree park the words "My Parents." were written on both. and under neath their initials. Isic sat in his tent with his knees in his chest and his chin resting between them. He started to think. and think about his father's last words. "To my son, I want you to believe deep in your hear that you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. That you will never lose, you will either learn or win, just go forth and aim for the skies. I can't promise to be here for the rest of your life, but I can promise to love you for the rest of mine." Those were his last words after the giant crushed his rib cage. and bashed his mother's head in. 

As the horrible memory of his parent's death rose from deep inside him, someone appeared in front of his tent.

"Hi, Isic." Debbie said.

"Debbie, come to pay respects to my parents who your brother killed?" he struck at her.

"Did you think that hurt me the other times you said that to me? Besides it was an accident."

"Accident, yeah."

"My dad wants me to drug you, so he can give you to the King to get out of taxes for the month. I'd thought that I'd tell you, and give you a chance to run before I catch you. To make this fun. You have ten second. Run." 

Isic stood up and ran. out the back of his tent. He got about thirty feet away before he smashed in to a squishy rock.  He fell back on his ass and looked up at Timothy the Giant. He was holding a large tree branch. 

"No where to run, Isic."

Isic reached up his sleeves and pulled out two knives. "I'm not going. I'd die."

"Like your parents?" Debbie struck back.

Isic charged at her but Timothy wrapped his arms around him and lifted him up. With eh knives Isic was able to cut him so Timothy would let him go, which he did. Isic turned around and stabbed Timothy in the stomach. Debbie couldn't believe it. The Giant was down in one blow. She busted out in tears crying and running over to him. 

She called out his name but he was unresponsive. Isic stood back and watched his unholy work. "I'm sorry, Debbie."

"Go! Just Go!" she cried out. 

"It was an accident, like my parents. An accident."

"Okay, okay, I get it, an accident. Just leave and I won't tell."

This turned out better than he thought. He wasn't going to get punished for it. But he needed to go, and the only way out was with the Princess. But that also meant volunteering for the King. Isic ran back to his ten and grabbed one bag from his chest and filled it with a few things. Once that was done, he had to find Felonia. From a distance Isic heard Debbie "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention. Beware Isic. This may be over for now. But I swear. Patience is power, and I'll get you."

Isic paid his respects to his parents and bid them farewell.

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