Five, Chan

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Finally time to explain.

" It was your twenty-first birthday. To celebrate, we all went out drinking. You remember that, right?"

" Yeah."

" Do you remember what happened after you got drunk?"

" ...No... Wait, don't tell me we-"

" Okay no, that didn't happen."

" Good."

" So, you were super drunk. So drunk, in fact, that everyone thought you should go home, just so nothing bad would happen. I had to take you, since I hadn't drank yet. I took you down to the house, and tried putting you to sleep. A lot of stuff happened after that."


" Nooooooo- I dun wanna sleeeeeeeeeep..."

" Jeongin you're really drunk... Just please go to sleep."

" But I dun wannaaaaaaa..."

" I don't believe you're twenty-one, honestly. You're an actual baby."

" Yesh but I-I'm yooour babyy!"

" What. Jeongin, what do you mean."

" I reaaaaally like you, Chaaaaannie!"

" L-Like as a f-friend or-"

" Noooooo. I want you to like, hug me all the tiiiiiime and kiss me and stuff."


" Do you?"

" Yea!"

" Well I really like you too, Jeonginnie!"


" Mhmm."

" So can you be my booooyfriend." I choked on fucking air whAT.

" Wut."

" I want you to be my booooyfriend. And then we can be like Minnie and Hyunjinnn!"

" But we haven't gone on any dates yet."

" So? We can laterr."

" Okay. If you say so..."

" Soooo... Will yooou?"

" Yeah."


" Now go to sleep."

" Okaaaaaay. But cuddle with meeeee!"

" Alright, Jeonginnie."


" So yeah, I cuddled with you until you fell asleep, then realized the members were coming back to the dorm in a bit so I left but I felt really bad for leaving you and stuff."

Jeongin had covered his face with his hands due to embarrassment. It was honestly hilarious.

" It's fine, don't be embarrassed!"

" How. Do. I. Not. Become. Embarrassed. After. That. Story?"

" I mean, you were adorable."

" STOP THAT." I then remembered a part of the story I left out, that I could use to my advantage.

I went up to Jeongin, kissed his lips quick, then clung on to him.

" I-I... What the... Did he just... Uh..." Shit, I think I broke him.

" That night, you said I had permission to kiss and hug you whenever I want so..."

He just made the "okay" symbol in response. Based on the redness of his face, ( Which, was so red, I didn't even know someone could get that red... But it's not like I'd know.) I guessed he was so flustered, he couldn't even muster a word. I returned to my original spot, before saying-

" I'll now answer any questions about... What I am."

AN: Sorry folks, gotta end it there! Just to let you know, shits going down next chapter, which shouldn't be in too long so, PREPARE YOURSELVES.

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