Twenty-One, Jeongin

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" Ch-Channiee... I'm so... Hungry... I-I can't think straight..." A look of worry was plastered against his face.

" Chan... It hurts so bad..."

" ...Oh shit... Jeongin. We need to get you out of this hospital. Now." I was really confused as to why.

There was a knock on the door, I could hear a muffled voice from the other side.

" Chan! The five minutes are up!" Chan looked even more distressed, ran over to the door, opened it without letting me see outside, and spoke to Woojin a bit. Chan came back into the room, looking relieved.

He then proceeded to literally grab me and jump out the window with me in his arms. We were fine, since my room was only on the second floor, but it was still terrifying. Still carrying me, he ran into the forest and found a deer. He finally put me down deep in the forest, far from the hospital's view.

" I'll be back." True to his word, he came back a few minutes later, with a flask in his hand.

" Drink this." I was so  hungry I didn't even give this suspicious flask a second thought. I drank it all so fast it was concerning, my hunger finally going away. Chan then grabbed me again, and shoved us back through the window. He laid me back down on the hospital bed, softly.

" Okay... What was that?"

" Jeongin... I'm so sorry."

" I told you to stop saying that."

" No, you're a vampire now." WHAT?

" I-I'm a... What?"

" You're a vampire now... Just like me. Because I bit you, obviously.

" Oh..."

" Your first hungers for blood are really bad, like that one, because you've never experienced them before. It was a completely foreign sense to you. That's why I couldn't let you see Woojin when he got the door."

" Seriously?"

" Yeah..." I started spacing out.

" What's wrong, baby?"

" It's just kinda hard to take in. Is this seriously my life now? Needing to drink the blood of other animals for survival?"

" I-I'm afraid so..."

AN: Thought I'd spoil you guys a bit as a thank you for 5k reads. Thanks again! Anyways, I'll probably be writing for a while since I can't sleep again. As I'm writing this authors note, it's 2:20 AM where I live. Gotta love insomnia. Thanks again for 5k reads, you guys are the best. Bye guys!

Vampire// JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now