Six, Jisung

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It took forever, but we finally got there. Minho said it was a place Chan went whenever he wanted to be alone. He said it made sense for him to take Jeongin on a date there.

We were approaching, and I could see them.

Oh shit... My actions are catching up with me.

This was low-key stalking. This wasn't okay! Now I know why Felix stayed at home... I was never 100% sure about this idea. Then I remembered why we were doing this. I care a lot about Jeongin. Everyone here did. Hell, everyone who stayed back at the dorms does too. We didn't want to see him in an unhealthy relationship. We all knew Jeongin loved Chan, but did Chan really love Jeongin? Maybe that one time Jeongin was drunk, he told Chan he was in love with him. And then I remembered the other person. No, Chan would never do something like that. He cares about Jeongin, too. He'd never.

" M-Minho," I whispered.
" Are you sure we should do this? Remember... This is Chan we're talking about. Chan would never do anything to Jeongin. He cares about him too much."

" Sungie... I know but, right now Chan isn't acting like himself. You saw what happened in the car, right? Something's up..."

" Okay." I mean, he was right.

On the bright side , there were a lot of big bushes we could hide behind! Crap, I sound so creepy... Again, this is low-key stalking. We sat down, with me in Minho's lap. ( I really can't keep my hands off him, can I?) We all stilled when we heard Chan talking.

" I'll now answer any questions about... What I am."

We all looked at each other in a What the fuck? Sort of way. I swear, if Chan was a god damn furry this whole time, I called it! Jeongin asked a question after that, so I put my full attention on that.

" Okay so... How? I was really shocked when you told me... I never knew vampires really existed." What the- I looked up at Minho, who looked sort of angry. I held his hand because, he's kiiiiiiinda really scary when he's angry.

" Oh, this is going to sound like a frikin' fantasy movie backstory, but bear with me. There used to be a lot of vampires roaming the earth, y'know? It was a while ago. Vampires and humans lived together in peace. Vampires would just feed on the blood of deer and stuff. But once, a group of vampires went off and killed a bunch of humans. It was almost like a...Vampire mafia? So, the Australian government ordered all the vampires there to be... Assassinated. And apparently, this was a popular concept in a lot of countries. Except Korea. My family moved to Australia before I was born, but when I was young we had to move back because we didn't want to... Die. So, I was mostly raised in Korea, and was told to never tell anyone what I was because Korea never ordered to assassinate the vampires, but they don't have the same laws for them as humans do. If someone kills a vampire, it's no big deal. And people got word from other countries about the stuff that had happened... So most people who know of our existence think we're... 'evil'."

" Why have I never heard of this?"

" The government covered it up. They didn't want people to feel 'unsafe'."

Chan had an emotionless look on his face the whole time telling the story, which, frankly, made it less believable. And Jeongin felt the same.

" How do I know this isn't some elaborate prank? How do I know you're not trying to take advantage of my feelings? How do I know our hyungs didn't follow us here, and this was all to get back at me for being so disrespectful towards them?"

Jeongin started crying. ( Which made Hyunjin cry.)

" Jeonginnie... Innie. Look me dead in the eyes and try to tell me I'd ever do that to you. Try to tell me I don't love you or I'm lying or something like that." He went over to Jeongin and kissed him. Then, tears spilled out of my eyes. I looked up at Minho, but he obviously wasn't buying it.

" Don't you think that's enough? They obviously love each other, Minho."

" No, Jisung. You don't- You don't get it. We're staying here."

" Staying here until what? Until they leave and catch us? We have to go."

" ... Fine." I signaled over to Seungmin that we were leaving. We tried to get up without making a sound but, I tripped. Then Seungmin stepped on a twig, Hyunjin let a sob come out, ( Yes he was still crying.) and Minho audibly groaned at our stupidity.

We heard footsteps in our direction, then froze

" Jisung? Minho? Hyunjin? Minnie? Why are... You guys here?"

I looked up at Chan, and he looked pissed. I literally almost shit my pants seeing him look at me like that. I clung to Minho like my life depended on it. Which, it felt like it did.

" ...How much... Did you hear?" He literally looked like he was about to kill us. When I realized, he definitely had the capability to do so.


We're fucking dead.

AN: Annnd that's the end, folks. I made this chapter super long, ( 885 words) at least for my writing standards, so I could make up for all the short ones that came before this one. Also, I updated this early so that's even better. As I'm writing this, it's 2:26 AM and I have to get up at 4:40 AM so, don't expect another chapter tonight. Bye guys and thanks for reading!

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