Seventeen, Chan

530 33 12

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-

I knew this was a bad idea.

I knew something bad would happen.

But I was thirsty.

I had to.

I'm so fucking stupid.

I started crying again. That's it, I've ruined his life. I left to get a first aid kit, though I'm assuming he thinks I just left. I can't believe I even thought this would be okay.

I opened the door again, making eye contact with Jeongin, which I immediately broke. I couldn't stand to look him in the eyes anymore. I sat in front of him, my eyes still red from crying. I started to clean off the wound, Jeongin wincing.

" Chan... What... Happened?" I broke down again.

" I'm sorry... I'm so fucking sorry..." I was supposed to show him how much I loved him, but instead I ruined his life.

" Oh, no, please don't cry. Don't cry. Don't be sorry..." That honestly made me feel worse, you know?

" I-I ruined your life..."

" What do you mean?" I couldn't say it. I grabbed his arm and put him in front of the mirror so he could see for himself. The shock I his face absolutely broke my heart.

I grabbed a bandaid and put it over the wound, pain and sadness in my eyes, and started crying onto his shoulder.

" Chan... Did you... Did you bite me?"

That question, I couldn't answer.

AN: Short chapter to clear some things up. People were getting so mad at Chan, I'm-

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