Twenty-Eight, Jeongin

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He was just sitting on the floor. Trembling and curled up in a ball, leaned up against the sink. He looked so weak and frail it almost brought me to tears on the spot. I went over to him and hugged him.

"Ch-Channie? Are you okay?" He just sobbed in response.

"I-I... I s-screwed everyt-thing u-up..." I didn't know what to say to that, because I didn't want to lie to him. I mean, I wanted to reassure him, but he probably did at least effect it somehow. I ended up just changing the subject.

"Where have you been?"


"Channie... You don't need to hide. We understand that you had to. It's okay..."

"Of course you say that. Everyone else probably hates me for throwing out careers down the drain."

"Chan, when will you finally understand that we all love and care about you? Because we do. I especially love you more than you could ever fathom. So please, stop hiding from us." He wiped his tears.


"Come on, you must be starving." I led his trembling body out the door, leading him to the others.

AN: Whoopsies... I haven't been having writer's block or anything, I've been writing random one shots that pop into my mind but no one would ever read. So those aren't on wattpad. I guess I kinda lost motivation for this story and Heaven. I really don't know where to go with either story, to be honest. Thanks so much for waiting, and I hope this wasn't too disappointing.

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