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Emma sat there, frown on her once before happy face, as a tear drop fell on her phone screen. She quickly tried stopping the tears from falling as she read the next text that came to her phone.

"Who could ever love you? You're pathetic."

Emma knew this was true, she was pathetic, they where right. Although there were questions left in her mind, who was sending these texts? How did they even get her number? Deciding it was best to block the number, she did so. Just then her mom rushed into the room, making her jump and sneakly wipe her tears.

"Em, honey y- what's wrong?" Dang it.

"Um, nothing I'm fine Mom," she lied. Her mother studied her face, but she nodded.

"Just wanted to tell you your farher wanted to see you in his art room," her father was an artist. He painted the most beautiful pictures Emma had ever seen in her seventeen years of living. Emma nodded and her mother left the room. She slowly walked downstiars and to the basement door and paused, taking a breath to calm herself before opening the door and going down the basement stairs. Her father was very concentrated on whatever he was painting so Emma stood quietly for a few seconds.

Emma cleared her throat and her father looked up, smiling.

"Hey baby," Emma smiled, and for once meant it. She loved her dad.

"Hey, Mom said you wanted to see me?" He nodded his head and then motioned for her to follow him to a bench he had recently made and painted to take a seat.

"Look, you can fool your mother doodlebug, but I know my daughter. What's going on?" Emma wanted to tell him about the constant bullying, really. But, telling him would just make it worse in the end. She quickly gathered her thoughts and said the first thing she could think of.

"I'm stressed, my classes are tough this semester and I'm trying so hard, but it's not working. My grades suck," that honestly wasn't a lie. Emma does try in school but she doesn't get half of the materials. Especially math.

"Well, I'm happy your honest with me, the best I can do is tell you to try harder, and if you want your Mom and I can call the school and get a tutor." Emma didn't really like the thought of a tutor. Mostly because she has social anxiety and doesn't talk to anybody but her one and only friend Ellie at school. But she nodded and her dad hugged her before she went back upstairs to take a shower before heading to bed. Tomorrow was Monday, Emma was so excited. Not really.

Emma woke up and rubbed her eyes before grabbing her phone and checking social media. Her eyes widened when she realized she had been on Twitter to long and was about to be late leaving. Hurrying, she jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes, put all her papers in her bag, grabbed her phone from her nightstand, and began walking to school.

Today was the day her Mom was supposed to find her a tutor, as stated before Emma didn't think she liked the idea of a tutor but knew it was necessary to get one. Upon reaching her destination, she was approached by Ellie who immediately hugged her.

"I'm so glad to see you, I have tea to share," Ellie started. Emma was interested so nodded her head. "So apparently, there are twins getting their schedules in the office, they're extremely cute according to Hannah, and one of them is really smart. I think I want them both to be my boyfriend," Emma started laughing and nudged her friend on the arm.

"Ellie, you don't even know what they look like, plus if 'cute' boys wanted to date girls like us, we wouldn't be single. Also, sorry if this sounds rude, but why did I need to know about them?" Ellie rolled her eyes with a smile.

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