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The other night kept replaying in Emma's head as she sat in class. Ethan practically called her beautiful. Actually, he did call her beautiful. But before anything else happened, if anything was going to happen, Grayson cried out in pain, causing both Emma and Ethan to jump before rushing to him.

Emma and Grayson walked into math together, today was his first day back since the incident. Of course people were being humans and asking questions, some more dumb than others but that's okay. One kid even had the nerve to ask if he could touch Grayson's wound.

"You okay?" Emma asked Grayson for the umpteenth time today.

"Yes Emma, doing well, just like I was two minutes ago when you asked me," Grayson wasn't trying to be rude but he felt a little smothered.

"Okay, sorry." Emma apologized and Grayson laughed.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, and to make things worse, Emma wouldn't have tutoring since Gray needed the extra time to help his wound heal. He had instructions from the doctor on what to do everyday. Emma plopped on her bed a little to hard but said fuck it and rolled over anyways. She picked up her phone and smiled seeing a text from Ethan flash across the screen.

Ethan: hey 😁❤️

It wasn't much but it made her day.

Emma: hi lol
Ethan: can I come over? Since Gray can't drive rn I have the car to myself.

This sparked an interest in Emma, considering Ethan had absolutely no reason to come over by himself.

Emma: sure aha I'm bored anyways

Ethan arrived a little later and they headed up to Emma's room. Not really sure what to do, Emma turned her TV on and found a movie on Netflix.

"I love this movie," Ethan spoke. Emma nodded.

"Me too, so what made you want to come over? Kinda weird." Ethan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Weird? I can't hang out with my friend?" Emma mentally sighed.

"Well when you put it like that I guess, just strange because other than staying at the hospital with Grayson we've never hung out by ourselves." Ethan agreed.

"There's also another reason I wanted to see you..." Ethan said.

"Hmmm?" Emma paused the movie. "What?"

Ethan bit his lip and sat up, caressing Emma's cheek, causing her to tense up.

"I meant what I said the other night," he whispered. Emma pulled away.

"Stop." Ethan looked confused and slid closer to Emma.

"I'm sorry, what did I do?" She shook her head.

"Nothing, I just, I don't want things to change. I don't wanna be told lies and be hurt in the end, especially by you. I'd rather continue having a crush- I mean," Emma panicked. Ethan smiled.

"I wouldn't lie to you Emma, you're beautiful. From that first moment our eyes met the day we got here, I've felt this feeling I couldn't, and still can't, fully understand and I know for a fact you feel the same way, why do you think I'll hurt you?" Emma began shaking.

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