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Maya ran. She didn't stop. She was so used to running by now that it almost seemed like an instinct. She didn't mean to hurt Grayson the way she had. It's just happened. He shouldn't have lunged at her.

As Maya ran from the school, she thought about her mother's last words from only months before.

"Don't ever let someone keep you from happiness, you deserve the world baby," Maya kissed her sick mother's forehead.

That's why Maya was so mean to Emma. Not because she wanted to or even liked doing it. She wanted to be happy like her mom told her, and Ethan made her happy. Emma was only in the way and didn't matter to her at all. Emma would get over it eventually and accept the fact that she wasn't good enough for Ethan. That may sound harsh, but in Maya's mind it was the truth and you couldn't tell her otherwise.

Maya's mother was her world, and at times her only true friend in this world of snakes that will poison you with their venomous fangs the first chance they get.  Home hadn't been the same either with her alcoholic stepfather at her heels. Yes she knew this sounded all too cliché and fit the "bad girl with the troubled past" character. But Maya was no character, she was a real person. A person usually wouldn't like their stepfather or caregiver constantly attacking them mentally, and sometimes physically. Although when he did get physical it wasn't that bad, just left a few bruises.

Sometimes Maya knew she was  treating people badly but it didn't stop her. She couldn't help it. It just came naturally.

Maya was about five minutes from the school by now and could hear sirens, she had fucked up. This was it. She was going away for a long time and didn't want to.

Then suddenly, she knew what she had to do as she glanced at the building above her. It seemed to be her only option out of this. So she ran some more, but this time inside the building. Somehow a police officer spotted her and rushed behind her, chasing her all the way to the roof.

"Stop! Put your hands up! Now! I said stop!" But Maya didn't until she came to the edge of the building.

"Tell them I'm sorry, tell Ethan I'm sorry... tell him that even though I was never good for him, that I truly love him and this is what has to happen, one more thing-"

"Lady step away from the edge please, you don't have to do this, I know you feel like you do but you don't." Maya shook her head as tears fell, for the first time in months she actually felt something other than rage and pain. She felt guilt, she felt sadness, and she felt alone.

"Tell Emma to keep him safe even though she hates me, I'm sorry to her too," Maya pulled the knife out and lifted it with both hands, turning it towards herself.

"I love you mama, please don't leave me with him, stay with me... please," Maya cried in her mother's arms.

"I know, I know. I wish I could stay too, but it's my time. Remember everything I've told you today. Be happy, for me." Maya nodded even though she cried even harder while doing so.

Maya gasped and felt the wind fly by her ears and her hair flew everywhere, she could even feel her heart beat speeding up.

What have I do-

Maya Harper hit the sidewalk below before she could finish her thoughts, causing numerous bloodcurdling screams from the people standing around.


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