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Today was the day her parents where leaving for their two day getaway. Which means it was also the day Ellie and James where coming for a sleepover. Emma was glad because she was honestly tired of being home by herself and her thoughts. She needed a distraction.

"James is so excited for this Friday sleepover," Grayson laughed. They where in math class and had work that they should have been doing but didn't want to.

"I am to, I'm tired of being by myself. Do you and E have plans this weekend?" She was just curious. She didn't really wanna know anything Ethan was doing. (Mhm okay)

"Nope, just sitting at home. Our moms birthday is Sunday so we're going out to eat but that's it. I'm planing on telling my parents about James..." Grayson said out of no where. Emma sat up further in her seat.

"Really? Oh my gosh, are you sure?" Grayson nodded.

"Yeah I'm sure, I'm ready to be completely me. They can love me or hate me, as long as I have James I'll be fine," Emma thought that was sweet.

The rest of the day went by slowly but Emma met with James at Ellie's car. James and Ellie piled their bags into the trunk and they headed to Emma's house. Once there, they ordered a pizza and put a movie on Netflix. They where all seated in the living room on the couch and James had begun makeup on both of the girls. They where also gonna do hair and have a mini photo shoot later.

"Should we put that color with that color? Mmm, probably not," James spoke aloud while concentrating on Emma's eye makeup.

"What's wrong with blue?" Ellie questioned.

"Blue and brown don't go that well together. At least not for the look we're going for," James replied. Emma laughed because she thought James was too funny.

"So girl," James said while looking at Emma.

"Hmm?" Emma replied. Ellie was listening but was also scrolling through Instagram.

"I asked the twins to come over for a bit." Emma's mouth dropped. Ellie lowered her phone and her mouth also opened.

"You did what? James!" Emma shouted. James shrugged.

"What? I didn't think it was that big of a deal! I mean you're all friends right? So what's the harm if they come and hang for a few hours?" James rushed out.

"The harm is, Ethan. Plain and simple," Ellie spoke up. James rolled his eyes.

"I get that but I'm sure it'll work itself out. I mean it's not like you hate each other or anything. You'll thank me later," James said. Emma and Ellie looked and each other and Ellie shrugged. Emma crossed her arms.

About an hour later there was a knock at the door, and instead of going and answering it like should have, Emma ran upstairs to her room and shut her door. She thought she could do it but she couldn't. She knew being around Ethan was gonna rough. Because just like he had told her, it was torture seeing him and knowing it was her fault keeping them apart. James bit his lip and hopped up from the couch and answered the door.

Grayson hugged and kissed James and they made their way to the kitchen. Ethan walked in and kept his down, strange. Ellie noticed and furrowed her eyebrows.

"You know she's upstairs, right?" Ethan looked up.

"Oh, cool." Ethan made his way to the couch.

"Look I know it isn't my business," Ellie started. "But I think you and Emma should try. I know she's being difficult, so my advice to you would be don't let her. Even if that means having to reassure her every five minutes. She's my best friend and she's a piece of work for sure but I love her to death. So I'm telling you here and now Ethan Dolan, you make her happy and you make her herself again, and if you don't or if you hurt her like you say you won't, I'll hurt you. Then you won't even have to worry about Emma anymore." Ellie didn't know where any of that came from but she went with it because Ethan nodded and headed upstairs.

Emma was laying on her bed and hadn't even thought about going back downstairs. She couldn't bring herself to it. She let out a big sigh and rolled over so that she was on her back. A knock at her door made her freeze a bit. It was probably Ellie coming up to tell her to stop being a pussy and talk her into coming downstairs.

"You can come in, but Ellie I'm not gon.." she sat up only to see Ethan standing in the doorway. "oH."

Ethan walked in and closed the door. Sitting next to Emma on the bed. They sat like that for a bit and even didn't look at each other. Ethan swallowed and turned towards Emma.

"Emma, I know that you're struggling, and I know that seeing me doesn't help, because well, seeing you isn't easy for me. The way I feel about you I've never felt before so when I kissed you, I don't know, it felt... right. You can try and avoid me forever but that's not gonna stop me from doing this." Ethan gently grabbed Emma by her chin and turned her face to his. He licked his lips and could feel her start to tense up. He liked that he did that to her.

Emma's heart started racing. She felt the same way he did about the feelings and even though Maya was still haunting her thoughts when she thought about him, she didn't want him to stop this time. She wanted it to happen. She need to feel that feeling again. She licked her lips as well, glancing over at his as he closed his eyes and leaned in, placing a quick, soft and gentle kiss to her lips. Their foreheads leaned on each other and they stared into each other's eyes, smiling.

"I'm not stoping you this time, I can't," Emma whispered as a tear fell. "I have regretted my decisions since they happened and I hated myself even more than I already did for it. But this time I want you." Ethan smiled. He leaned into her again and this time deepened the kiss. Their lips moving in sync as their heartbeats sped up at the same time.

The kiss deepened even more and heavy breathing could be heard through Emma's room. She was running her hands through his hair and he was placing love bites to her neck. It felt so good. All she could do was push his head closer to her neck. He traced kisses back up to her lips and licked her bottom one for entrance, she granted it and when their tongues met, she couldn't help it and let out a low moan. Ethan pulled away, still holding her on his lap and breathing heavily.

"I take it you like that?" Emma blushed.

"Shit. Shut up. Oh, and fix your hair," she laughed and blushed again. Ethan's cheeks grew red as he tried fixing his hair.

"That was... intense," Ethan said. Emma nodded.

"Yeah, very. What now?" Emma looked up at him.

"Now we go back downstairs before we get caught," Ethan joked. About getting caught at least.

They headed back downstairs and Emma sat next to Ellie while Ethan went to find Grayson and James. Ellie snickered.

"Hmmmm, your face is red, your lips are swollen, and honey your clothes and hair are a mess. Spill the tea," this is why Emma loved Ellie.

"I think you already know what happened, as odd as that sounds." Ellie just smiled and leaned her head on Emma's shoulder.

"You're welcome," they both laughed as James and the twins headed back into the room.

Ethan's eyes met Emma's as he started to leave with Grayson, and for the first time in a while something happened. To both of them, at the same time and they knew it because it had happened before the first day they met.

All Emma could do was smile.


A/N: It is currently 1:02am and this is now at 1381 words and counting. I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am enjoying writing it. I still have plans so stay tuned. Also, if you want to please check out my fan account on Instagram (dolansancturary) it would mean a lot to me! Thank you for reading and supporting me.

-dolansancturary 💜

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