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The next day, Emma really didn't wanna go to school. She didn't want to see Ethan. Correction, she didn't want to see Maya with Ethan and have to deal with the death looks. How did she even know about Emma? Emma figured Ethan had mentioned her at some point. Reluctantly, Emma got out of bed and grabbed some medicine, her head still hurt pretty bad but it was easing off as the hours went by.

Emma had not even blocked Maya's number, and she didn't understand why either. She had no problem blocking Ethan, which she was slowly regretting, but couldn't block another bully? It was as if Maya was already so deep in her head, Emma was afraid to even breathe the same air as Ethan. Emma pulled her shirt over her sore head and threw on her flats. She didn't care if she looked nice or not. Everyone would talk about her anyway. She grabbed her phone plugging in her earbuds and started her daily walk to school. Today's walk seemed longer than normal. She was tired, sore, alone, and felt like giving up to be completely honest. Was it bad that even through all of this she wanted the dreams she was having about Ethan to be real? She didn't think so, not that they would ever happen now. She eventually made it to school and Grayson and James greeted her.

"Emma! I'm so glad you're okay!" Grayson said and gave her hug. James joined in on the hug as well.

"Thank you, although I still feel like death."

"Whatever happened?" Grayson asked politely.

"Oh you know, just a good old fashioned panic attack. I'm okay, I promise. Have either of you seen Ellie?"

"Okay, yeah I saw her with Maya earlier, they disappeared though. Not sure where they went," James spoke up.

"Oh," Emma said, her voice cracking a bit, Grayson seemed to notice as he made a confused facial expression. "I'm gonna go to class early, see you in math Gray," with that, Emma made her way, alone once again, to the gym. Never in her three years of high school had she felt that alone. Ellie was always with her. Guess Maya was taking that over too. Ellie eventually came into the classroom after the bell rang.

"Hey Em, feeling okay?" Emma just shook her head and smiled. Ellie hugged her and Emma caught a whiff of perfume, and not the cheap stuff from the dollar store. Emma grabbed Ellie's arm and pulled her back down to make sure what she smelt was real.

"What are you wearing?" Emma asked bluntly.

"Oh! Maya let me borrow some perfume, like it? I can ask to get you some!" Emma opened her mouth and grabbed Ellie's hand.

"No no. That's okay. Why would you wear something like that anyway? From Maya of all people?" Ellie scrunched her face and shook her head.

"That's really rude to say Emm-"

"Know what else is rude? Ditching your best friend." Emma was livid. Maya got Ethan, she wasn't getting Ellie too.

"Emma! What the hell? Why are you being like this?"

"Don't worry about it." Ellie dropped her arms to her sides and bit her lip.

"Fine, if that's how you wanna be I'll just walk by myself today."

"Fine. Go ahead, the gym's all yours," Emma spat back. Great. Instead of showing Ellie the text she was pushing her away.

The rest of the gym class they didn't speak or look at each other. Emma was honestly miserable, but then again, Ellie shouldn't have ditched her. When Emma got to Math the side of her and Gray's table had a small stack of papers on it, she assumed it was the papers she had missed yesterday. Gray would have to help her, especially since he didn't get to tutor her last night. He did help her during class and they mostly just focused on math until Gray randomly grabbed Emma's phone, which she had unlocked a few seconds before to message her mom back, and held it where Emma couldn't get it.

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