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Emma woke up to James shaking her.

"Get up bitch ass," He said with a cackle. Emma squinted her eyes at him and flicked him off before deciding to actually get up for school. James was dressed but hadn't done his makeup yet. Emma looked around and noticed the house was quiet. It usually was considering both of her parents were usually out of the house by the time she got up, but she knew the twins were there too. She then remembered the text Ethan had sent her the night before, and her face grew red. She grabbed her phone and James glanced at her with an expression on his face.

"What?" Emma asked. James sat down next to her on the bed.

"What happened? You look like Ethan saw you naked or something," Emma tilted her head and stared at James.

"Very funny. But Ethan did happen. I texted him after you guys went to bed to say sorry for make him sleep on the floor and he responded that it was fine but then he," she glanced at James and he motioned his hands for her to keep going. "He said something about it being chilly and asked me to come 'warm him up' and I flirted back but not so much, then I'm assuming he went to bed, as did I." James sat for a second without saying anything and looked at Emma.

"Well well well, guess you were wrong about him not liking you then, have you finally admitted the truth?" James asked jokingly.

"Shut up, it didn't mean that. He could've meant anything for all I know. He could've wanted an extra blanket or something," James shook his head a rolled his eyes.

"Now you know that's a damn lie," James stood and went to the mirror to start on his makeup. "Come on, you're gonna look good today if I have anything to do with it."

Emma let James do her makeup and she got dressed. They walked downstairs to wake the twins up, only they were gone. James checked his phone and had a text from Grayson.

Grayson: Sorry we dipped, needed showers and clean clothes. I'll see you soon :) x

James read it to Emma and she checked her phone, but Ethan hadn't texted her. She put her phone in her pocket and grabbed her bag. James gathered his belongings and he followed Emma out of the house. The walk to school was definitely more loud than usual, James found anything and everything to talk about. She didn't mind it though, she was just used to silence. They walked inside the building and said bye to each other and Emma went to track down Ellie. She had to tell her what had happened this weekend, but she was slightly confused when she did find her, with a new girl, laughing. Worst part, they had their morning coffee. Emma walked over and Ellie hugged her, and surprisingly handed her some coffee too.

"Emma!" The new girl's mouth opened. "This is Maya, she's new."

What. The. Fuck. Couldn't be the same one that Emma was thinking about.

"Hi Maya, I'm Emma, Ellie's best friend. Welcome to South Prep High," She reached for a handshake and Maya was hesitant.

"Hi, nice to meet you, Emma." Maya shook her hand loosely. Ellie smiled and turned to Emma tapping her hand like she remembered something.

"Oh, and get this, she knows the twins!" Emma's heart fell out of her literal ass. Of course she did.

"T-the Dolans?" Emma asked for clarification, there where multiple sets of twins at South Prep.

"Uh-huh," Maya spoke up and smirked. "Ethan is my boyfriend, anyways nice meeting you Emma. Ellie. I'm off to get my schedule and find my classes, see you later?" Maya stared at Emma. Before Emma could make up a lie to keep Maya away, Ellie spoke up.

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