Chapter Four

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3550 years ago, in the human race there was a girl named Ahn Sora. Ahn Sora likes everything related to vampires and werewolves, so he tries various ways to find out more about us. Until Sora found 1 way that was quite dangerous, inserting the vampire gang and werewolf gang into his body.

In 5 years, everything has changed. Its nature is almost the same as a vampire and werewolf. Sora also meets the leader of the vampires and werewolf to be allowed to join the flock and they accept Sora.

Until an incident occurred, the war between the vampire and werewolf nations occurred only because of the mistake of the son of the werewolf leader who had the heart to kill the son of the vampire leader. Sora thought to join in order to prove that he could be one of them.

When the vampires were about to lose, Sora helped them by tearing all the werewolf that attacked. Whereas when the werewolves were almost defeated, Sora helped the werewolves by burning the vampires who attacked him. All that he did to prove that he was better than the others. Even Sora has turned into a vampire and werewolf nearly 20 times.

The 21st time he wanted to turn into a werewolf, something happened to him. His body turned into half a vampire and half a werewolf, very terrible. Until the war stopped, because of Sora's loud screams. Sora always asks for help.

"Help me! I don't want to be like this, "he even howled occasionally. Until the leader of the vampires and werewolf approached Sora.

"This is a reward for your actions, Sora. But, calm down because we will help you. Now you choose to die as a Diabolic Lover and your story is remembered or do you leave here forever ?, "said the vampire leader giving Sora a choice.

"P-Lovers Diabolik ?," Sora asked while occasionally howling, "What is a Diabolic Lover ?," Sora asked.

"Diabolik lovers are people who like things related to vampires and werewolf like you. But, don't worry. When you die as a Diabolic Lover, you will come back to life not as both but only as humans who like things related to vampires and werewolves. However, when the Diabolik Lover is 18 years old he must choose to unite or destroy the vampires and werewolves because about 4000 years from now there will be another war triggered by betrayal, "explained the chief werewolf.

"I chose to die as a Diabolik Lover," said Sora while holding her howl,

"Alright then. But, the way you die will be very painful. Because you will be torn apart, after that you will be burned. Are you okay ?, "asked the vampire leader, asking for certainty, which was only answered by a shake that meant that Sora had no problem with how he died.

The vampire leader ordered his troops to tear Sora's body, Sora could only howl in pain because of the painful tears. After being torn apart, the leader of the werewolf ordered his troops to burn Sora's remaining body, because the torn body was a werewolf-shaped body so that he could still feel the heat in his remaining body. Now Sora's body was left without any trace due to the treatment.
So the legend about Diabolik Lovers. And Harabeoji was sure that the words of the old werewolf chief would come true. And Harabeoji also doesn't know what decision will be made by the Diabolik Lovers, "said Woo Seok ending the story.

After telling the story, 4 families decided to end their meeting.


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