Chapter ten

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After the conversation with Kang Min yesterday, Ma Ri's attitude towards Hyun Kyung began to change. Now that Ma Ri is moving away from Hyun Kyung, that success has made Hyun Kyung confused with Ma Ri's changes in him. Not just Hyun Kyung, but also their classmates.

"Very nice! It seems like he is getting influenced. Now, just waiting for his decision, "said the mysterious person who was stalking Ma Ri from a distance then left.

It's been almost 4 days, Ma Ri ignored it. This makes Hyun Kyung furious and pulls Ma Ri's hand towards the rooftop. Ma Ri, who whimpered in pain because her hands were forced to pull by Hyun Kyung, struggled to get her hand released, but Hyun Kyung completely ignored it.

On the rooftop, Hyun Kyung immediately let go of Ma Ri's hand and began to turn to look at Ma Ri and ask.

"Why have you been ignoring me all this time ?," "I have a reason to ignore vampires like you," answered Ma Ri, hearing Ma Ri's answer, especially in the last sentence, making Hyun Kyung surprised.

"How do you know that I'm a vampire ?," Hyun-kyung asked.

"I know because there are good people who tell me who you are, who your friends are. And also my destiny as a Diabolic Lover, "answered Ma Ri with restraint.

"I know that I am the Diabolic Lovers you are looking for," Ma Ri continued,

"Then, how? Do you want to come with me ?, "Said Hyun-kyung.

"I will not come with you. But, I will think I will unite you or not, "Ma Ri answered then left Hyun Kyung.

After Ma Ri left, Hyun Kyung followed Ma Ri. It turns out that someone had heard their conversation earlier.

"If only Kang Kang joined, it would be fun. But that was pretty good for a diabolic lover. I better immediately tell Kang Min about this, "said a mysterious person

Now Kang Min and Ji Soo are at the cafe waiting for Ma Ri, before Ma Ri comes they have a short chat.

"Is it true what you just said, Ji Soo ?," Kang Min asked to ask for certainty from Ji Soo.

"Right. I was stalking them on the rooftop earlier, and Ma Ri wouldn't choose Hyun Kyung. Looks like your guess was right this time Kang Min-ah, "Ji Soo answered and it turns out he was the mysterious person who eavesdropped on Ma Ri and Hyun Kyung's conversation on the rooftop earlier. After that conversation Ma Ri came and was immediately invited to sit by Kang Min.

"How? Have you decided that you want to live or die ?, "Kang Min asked suddenly and Ma Ri seemed still thinking.

"I'm coming with you guys. I still want to live, "answered Ma Ri who made a smile on Kang Min and Ji Soo's lips,

"All right, tomorrow meet us at the park. We will get ready to fight the day after tomorrow, "said Ji Soo.

"But, the day after tomorrow ...," Ma Ri didn't have time to continue her sentence

"Today is the 18th, right," said Ji Soo, "How ..."

"We should know about Diabolik Lovers," said Kang Min, who interrupted Ma Ri's question.

"Then we will go first. You also have to prepare yourself, "said Kang Min who then left Ma Ri who was still sitting transfixed at the cafe.

The next day, Ma Ri was already in the park and almost 1.5 hours waiting for the presence of Kang Min and Jisoo. Then, Kang Min and Ji Soo came.

"Have you been waiting long?" Ji Soo asked.

"All right," Ma Ri answered.

"Kajja! We must leave quickly. We must prepare to fight them tomorrow, "said Kang Min. Then they left the park.

The big house that was inhabited by a group of vampires and werewolves had a guest, their grandfather.

"How? Did you find it ?, "asked Woo Seok,

"Mianhae, he doesn't want to come with us. Ma Ri refused, "Hyun Kyung answered.

The answer that Hyun Kyung offered suddenly shocked them because Diabolik Lovers refused to help them.

"All right, if he really refuses. Leave it alone.

This year will be the year we fight without Diabolic Lovers. And tomorrow is our battle against Kang Min and Ji Soo. We better all go back to the forest and prepare the troops, "said Min Seok and then answered with a nod by everyone. And they went back to the forest.


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