Chapter Nine

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It turns out not only they are close to each other, but also Tae Yong and Ah Ra, Won Woo and Eun Sang, and Kog Yeol and Soo Jin. But they hide their closeness so no one knows.

"Ma Ri-yes, how about this afternoon we go to the cafe ?," Said Soo Jin

"Ne. Besides, I'm also bored at home, "Ma ri answered.

"Ma Ri-ya," Soo Jin called softly but could still be heard.

And what was called was only glancing, because at that time they were both at the cafe as they had promised.

"Do you think me and Kog Yeol are suitable ?," Soo Jin asked suddenly, who immediately made Ma Ri surprised.

"Why ask that? Do you like it ?, "Ma Ri asked.

"Yes, I like it. Since I first saw it at the cafe, "Soo Jin answered.

"But it's not just me. Ah Ra and Eun Sang too, "Soo Jin and Ma Ri continued, only frowning, a sign that he didn't understand.

"Look, I've seen Eun Sang walking with Won Woo. And I caught him, after I asked it turns out he had a taste for Won Woo, "explained Soo Jin.

"Not only that, I also saw Ah Ra and Tae Yong walking in the park last week. The next day I asked him that and it turns out he was harboring feelings for Tae Yong, "continued Soo Jin who made Ma Ri wonder how 3 best friends liked Hyun Kyung's 3 friends.

"Hey! What do you think? "Asked Soo Jin who surprised Ma Ri, who was only shaken by Ma Ri.

"Are you thinking about what I just told you," asked Soo Jin.

"Do you like Hyun Kyung ?," continued Soo Jin, who was only shaken by Ma Ri. "I'll go home first, yes," said Soo Jin and immediately left Ma Ri.

Suddenly someone patted Ma Ri on the shoulder,

"Can you come with me to the park ?," asked the man who was only nodded by Ma Ri.

In the park, Ma Ri and the mysterious person sit on a bench far enough from the crowd.

"Why did you bring me here, Kang Min ahjushi ?," Ma Ri asked the mysterious person who turned out to be Noh Kang Min.

"I want to warn you about 16 names in your class," answered Kang Min, who made Ma Ri confused with Kang Min's answer.

"What do you mean, ahjushi?" Ma Ri and Kang Min asked, the ahjushi only let out a rough breath.

"Actually they are vampires and werewolf. They are here to look for Diabolic Lovers who will change their lives, that is, they die or live together in peace, "Kang Min answered straight to the point.

"I still don't understand what your words mean," said Ma Ri in a confused voice.

"Look, Hyun Kyung approached you because he thought you were a Diabolik Lover, as did his friends who approached your friends. When you are 18 when you make decisions that are favorable to them, they will kill you. I say this because you are a true Diabolic Lover, "said Kang Min.

"Actually, I'm also part of them. Not just me but, my friend Ji Soo. I was an outcast werewolf because I was accused of killing the vice head werewolf, while Ji Soo.

He is an outcast vampire because he wants to kill the vampire leader. I admit that we did, but we did it because we wanted to protect the Diabolic Lovers from their bad destiny. We do not want you to die in their hands. If you join us, I'll make sure you stay alive. But if you side with them, you will die. I give you time to think 4 days, "said Kang Min then left Ma Ri who was still confused by what he said.

"What was that supposed to mean? I? Diabolik Lovers? If it's true I am a Diabolik Lover like he said, so all this time Hyun Kyung was kind to me because he wanted me to defend him and his friends? I do not want to die young! I will not choose it. Will not! But, if I choose Kang Min ahjushi, will I live ?, asked Ma Ri to herself. After feeling dizzy with what happened to him now, Ma Ri immediately rushes home. Without Ma Ri knowing, there were 2 people watching her.

"It seems like the little girl is confused about choosing who," said the first person.

"I'm sure he must have chosen to help us, Ji Soo-ya," said the second person.

"But, why do you have to say that, Kang Min-ah ?," asked the first person who turned out to be Ji Soo.

"I said like that so he would side with us to destroy the Park family, Kim, Lee, and Mun. They should not lead anymore, they should lead the Noh and Hong families," answered the second person who turned out to be Kang Min. After the debate , they immediately left.


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