Chapter Eleven

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When war broke out, the leaders of the war, namely Kim Min Seok, Park Joon Myeon, Lee Woo Seok, Mun Shin Won, and their troops, and Noh Kang Min, Hong Ji Soo, and their troops too.

"It's better if we just make peace before this war starts," Joon Myeon offered,

"Make peace? If you want to make peace with us, you have to give up your power to us, "said Ji Soo.

"Will not! Grandpa will not give his power to you, "said Tae Yong and Hyun Kyung together,

"Then you will die soon," said Kang Min then called someone. After the person arrived, everyone was shocked, including Hyun Kyung.

"Ma Ri," one name escaped Hyun Kyung's lips when he saw that person, because that person was Baek Ma Ri, the Diabolic Lover.

"Why? Are you surprised to see Diabolik Lovers on our side ?, "teased Kang Min,

"Ma Ri, why are you on their side ?," Hyun-kyung asked.

"I chose them because they guaranteed that I would live," Ma Ri answered.

"Agassi, you don't know what their intentions are. If you side with them, you will die. If you are with us, we make sure you live, "Shin Won said,

"Don't believe them. They will kill you later, "Ji Soo barked.

Then Kang Min approached Ma Ri and grabbed Ma Ri's shoulder.

"You don't have to trust them. Remember! When they weaken, immediately kill them with the 2 knives I gave you, "whispered Kang Min.

Then Kang Min ordered his troops to attack 4 leaders and their troops. The attack had been going on for almost 2 hours.

After their energy is depleted, this opportunity is taken by Kang Min and Ji Soo to make Ma Ri kill them.

"Ma Ri! Quick, "said Kang Min, calling Ma Ri. Then Ma Ri approached them.

Now in front of Ma Ri there are 20 people that Ma Ri has to kill and among them there is someone she knows, namely Hyun Kyung.

Then Ma Ri took out 2 knives given by Kang Min and immediately drew them. When Ma Ri wanted to draw the two knives, Kang Min and Ji Soo smiled. However, that smile faded when he found out that Ma Ri was pointing the 2 knives at them.

"W-why did you do it ?," Kang Min asked when Ma Ri had stuck a knife in Kang Min and Ji Soo's body,

"Because you tricked me," Ma Ri answered,

"Fortunately, Min Seok Ahjushi and his friends came to tell the truth about you guys. If not maybe I'll die now, "Ma Ri continued.

"Actually, I already knew that I was a Diabolic Lover from before, before you guys told me. And I have also decided to help them, "Ma Ri continued.

After Ma Ri told the truth, Kang Min and Ji Soo turned their ashes and ashes in the wind.

"Gomawo, Agassi. Because it has helped our plan, "said Joon Myeon who was only nodded by Ma Ri.

"So, you guys have planned this with Ma Ri ?," asked their 16 grandchildren together who were only smiled at by their grandfather.

"Why is Harabeoji so evil? You should have told us, "Hae Chan whined.

"Never mind. The important thing, now we have united because of Ma Ri's help," said Woo Seok.

Then they returned to the forest, as well as Ma Ri. He came because Min Seok persuaded him to come along. Now they have been where they visited 11 years ago. How surprised Ma Ri to see her friends.

"I told your friends about us and you last week," explained Joon Myeon, who understood that Ma Ri was distrustful of what he saw.

Then Ma Ri smiles.

"Gomawo," said Ma Ri and then approached her friends with the others.

"How was that? Mianhae because we did not come, we were not allowed by Shin Won ahjushi, "asked Soo Jung.

"It is okay. I did it, "Ma Ri answered with a happy face.

"Are you going to stay here ?," Ha Na asked, holding back her tears, afraid that her friend would choose to stay in the forest.

"Ma Ri will remain in the human world, she can also visit here if she wants to. And if you want to come here you can too, "answered someone who made them turn to the origin of the sound and the origin of the voice came from Min Seok.

Then they smiled at the answer from Min Seok.

"Ma Ri-ya," Hyun Kyung called softly, then Ma Ri turned and approached Hyun Kyung.

"Come with me for a moment," said Hyun Kyung then brought Ma Ri to the side of the river. That made everyone smile, even Min Seok.

When he reached the riverbank, Hyun Kyung immediately gave Ma Ri a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant with white diamonds on it.

"This necklace is a token of my thanks, because you want to help us," said Hyun Kyung and then put the necklace on Ma Ri.

"Are we going to meet again ?," Ma Ri asked after Hyun Kyung put the necklace on her.

"We will meet at school. Besides, I haven't finished my school, "Hyun Kyung answered, making Ma Ri smile.


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