19 - 2

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"K-Kong, you gotta ... gotta come quick. Get me outta here. Please!"

"What's wrong, P'Arthit? Tell me where you are."

There is music and chatter on the other side of the line and Kongpob has a hard time hearing his senior. However, it doesn't sound like he is lost at the market.

"Kong, please, hurry. They won't let me leave." Arthit says, voice trembling.

"P'Arthit, I need you to give me at least a hint on your location."

"I ... dunno ... I think I saw ... there were flashy, neon pink lights at the entrance ..."

"Hey, who are you calling?" a man on the other end shouts menacingly.

"I ... s-sorry ... I" Arthit whimpers.

"Don't matter cause Imma beat the crap outta you before your backup arrives anyway! Come here, you little shit!" the same guy barks. 

Then, the call ends abruptly.

Kongpob starts running past shops and restaurants, barely dodging people in the bustling, narrow streets. At some point, he is almost hit by a mototaxi but he stands up quickly from the ground, ignoring the angry driver and resumes his frantic search for his P'.

The junior comes to a halt at the entrance to a club which has pink signs above the door. It might not be the only one in the neighborhood matching his P's description, but he hopes he's lucky enough to get it right the first time.

Once inside, Kongpob is borderline assaulted by a flock of ladies and some ladyboys dressed in skimpy outfits, more than excited to have such a handsome customer, who immediately drag him towards the sitting area. There, he spots his husband and a couple of white men towering over him. Just as one of them grabs the front of Arthit's shirt and is about to punch him, Kong steps in and receives the powerful blow instead. Arthit lands onto a leather couch behind him and Kong is down on the floor, holding onto his jaw.


"Who the f**k are you? Get outta my way!" the big guy shouts at the junior.

"What did he do to you?" the nong asks, slowly getting up, with the help of his P'.

"He had his hands all over my woman, that's what he did!"

"No, Kong, I didn't, I swear ..." Arthit whispers to his husband, grasping his arm for dear life. "T-tell him, you ... you tell him it's not true! You held onto me and forced me to come inside the club with you. I was trying to get away from you. Tell him!" he then pleads the dancer who's been standing there silent the whole time. She shrugs her shoulders and feigns ignorance, which only makes the foreigners more upset.

"This is all a misunderstanding. My P' was surely not interested in this lady and he couldn't have flirted with her." Kongpob says.

"Oh, yeah? How the f**k are you so sure about it?"

"He is my husband, of course I am sure he would never do such a thing." the nong replies curtly.

The couple hears gasps of surprise from all around. Most of the dancers are giggling, the girl who pretty much caused the fight the only one not happy with the unexpected turn, since she'd hoped to prove the other workers she is cool because two guys are arguing over her.

The foreigners don't really buy it but the owner finally steps in and warns them she's going to call the police if this brawl continues, so they throw one last disgusted, death glare at the young couple before they each grab a random lady and sit at the bar.

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