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The young man walks up from behind Earth.

"I work as a waiter in this hotel's restaurant. I moved here with my boyfriend over a year ago and we've been living happily ever since." he replies.

"Happily, huh? People like you, James and Arthit, you don't deserve to be happy!" Khun Watakeekul spits out.

"And who gives you the right to say that?" P'Earth asks. "What have James or Arthit ever done wrong? They are both kind, caring, hard-working people who also happen to be in same-sex relationships. Why can't they be happy?"

"They're ... they're disgusting!! All gay people like them are disgusting! They're all selfish and ... and they think they're always the victims, they think they're the only  ones having a hard life."

The boss is by now shaking with ire, fingers wrapped so tightly around the glass that it wouldn't be a surprise if he managed to break it.

"I thinkt hat the way you treated Khun James and I is disgusting. I was so excited to learn I've finally won the Electric Design contest, after three years of entering my ideas and failing, only to have you cut my wings. I've been crying myself to sleep almost every night, missing my husband, family and friends because you practically forced me to transfer away from my home. I am sure Khun James went through equally awful experiences because of you." Arthit retorts.

"He knows exactly what he's made me go through." James comments.

Watakeekul shakes his head, laughing a bitter laugh.

"See? Just like I said, you guys think you are the only ones suffering. What about me? Do you know how ..." there he falls silent, hesitating for a moment.

"It was one of your kind, a gay guy, who shamelessly seduced my father and took him away from us when I was still in elementary school. The entire neighborhood and all my classmates found out and my mother and I became the laughing stock of the community we were living in. I would be mocked at school everyday, constantly reminded that my dad abandoned us for a fag. My mother couldn't handle the stress, she started drinking, she lost her job ..."

The man pauses again, covering his face with his free hand, to wipe at the tears, before they run down his cheeks.

"She ... she was all I had left and she ..."

"I understand that must have marked you deeply, especially because you were still a child, but that doesn't justify your hatred for all the gay people out there. We are not all like the one who broke your family." James reasons.

"You expect us to pity you for your sad past and hope to get away with having discriminated against them without taking responsibility for your acts, but I for one won't allow it." P'Earth adds, determined look upon her face.

It appears Arthit is the only one whose heart has been genuinely touched by the man's story. He loves his parents so much, he couldn't imagine witnessing his family crumble in front of his eyes because of an outsider. But no, he figures he can't be weak, he can't let emotions reign his judgement. P'Earth and James are correct in thinking the man has to apologize for his behavior, no matter his traumatizing past.

"Then, what do you want from me? What do you want me to do?" the boss asks.

"I just need an honest apology." James answers.

Since Arthit is silent, seemingly lost in thoughts, P'Earth holds his arm to gain his attention.

"Oh, um ... I ... I want to go back home. An apology would also be nice ..."

Watakeekul breathes out loudly but he doesn't say anything and there's also nothing in his stance or facial expression to indicate he is about to apologize. Not right here and right now, at least.

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