Chapter 2

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Thousands of miles away from both the Ally and where he was supposed to be, Starscream stood in the lee of a large rock at the edge of the lake the Groundbrige had dumped him in, water dripping off of him to spatter against the already soaked ground.

Aside from the sporadic dripping, the only sound was a faint gust of wind whining against the cut of the drab pebble beach.

It was too quiet.

This planet seemed to have problems with its noise levels, because it was either too quiet and too empty or it was too loud and too crowded. Two extremes that just barely seemed to keep each other in balance.

He tapped thoughtfully on his comm. It wouldn't do to bother anyone back on the Ally as they were all scrambling to make repairs, but technically he wasn't out there alone.

He leaned against the rock and turned the comm on.

"Doctor? You there?"

"Depends on your definition of "there"," Knockout's voice crackled back "But if you mean the exact oppisite of where I was supposed to be then yes, I am definitly there."

Starscream smiled. The doctor could alwayd be depended upon to have a smart remark, no matter the situation, or at the very least a snippet of sarcasim to let loose. It was, Starscream thought, one of his better qualities.

"Do you have your coords yet? We can't be too far away from each other."

"First off, do you know how big Canada is? And secondly, no I do not have my coords because when the Groundbridge spit me out I went headfirst over a small cliff and damaged just about every device I had on me."

"Are you okay?" Starscresm tried not to laugh at his companion's predicament, but it was just about as utterly ridiculous as his own rough landing.

"I'm fine. I have pine needles stuck all over though. I hate trees."

Starscream started to reply, but something caused him to pause.

A dry snap, barely audible, but nonetheless it disturbed the all encompassing stillness.

"Starscream? Everything alright?"

"I'm not sure..." he peered across the flat shore, up to the rim of earth where the trees began to rise up, creating a jagged horizon, but nothing moved.

"Ehh, it was no-"

Suddenly the line went dead in a burst of static.

"Knockout? Doctor can you hear me?"

"Aww, has the little birdie lost its friend?" a mocking voice crooned from above him.

Starscream looked up and felt his spark go cold as scornful red eyes set in a black face laughed down at him.

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