Chapter 11

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"Everything's fuzzy," Raf squinted upwards at the hazy faces surrounding him "But I can see."

"Try blinking a few times, your eyes should adjust."

Raf did as Knockout suggested, but shook his head "Where are my glasses?"

"...Your what."

"My glasses, I need them to see."

Soundwave turned his masked face towards Knockout "You threw his clothes away, didn't you?"

"I need my glasses!"

"No I didn't, because of Carmine," Knockout yanked open a drawer and pulled out a charred lump "I put it in here and never got around to getting rid of it... Is this it?" he sifted out a tiny object and between two finger tips held it out to Raf.

"Yeah," he put it over his nose and squinted again.

"Is it okay?"

He pulled it off, breathed on the lenses, rubbed them on his sleeve, then put it back on and looked up at them.


Sounwave chuckled and waved down at him "Hi Raf."

"It's weird, finally seeing you, after only just hearing you," Raf blinked "Somehow I didn't imagine you as red and yellow."

"Oh, what'd you think?"

"Black or purple maybe?" Raf turned and smiled at Knockout "Hi Doctor K."

"Hello Raf. What did you think I would be?"



"Dunno, you just sounded red."

"I sounded red," Knockout rolled his eyes "Okay."

Raf giggled, then turned back to Soundwave and reached towards him "Can I see the rest of the Ally? I really want to see the ship."

"I don't see why not," Soundwave held his hand and Raf scooped Carmine up in his arms and stepped into Soundwave's palm.

"I see why not," Knockout crossed his arms "I think you ought to lay down for bit, I don't want you to get a headache."

"Aww but-"

Raf was cut off by a hailing on the comm and Knockout stepped aside to answer it.

Raf looked up as Soundwave tilted his head down, a grinning emote flashed over Soundwave's mask and Raf's face lit up like a Christmas Tree.

"Yeah, Breakdown, I'll be right there..."

Soundwave slipped past the distracted doctor and made a dash down the hall.

"Right, where should we go first?"

"The bridge," Raf said without a heartbeat of hesitation "Please?"

"Of course, oh, it'll be faster if we fly," Soundwave set Raf down and transformed "Hop in."

"Ohhh, this is so cool! You're a jet!"

"Yeah, I thought I mentioned that."

"No," Raf shook his head and climbed inside "You didn't."

The seat inside Soundwave reclined way back, so that Raf was almost lying down when he sat in it.

"Wow, it's kinda dark," Raf said as Soundwave closed his door "I thought you'd have a window or something."


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