Chapter 26

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Wheeljack's alt had that new car smell, which was strange, considering how old he was supposed to be.

Maybe, Jack thought, everything sort of updated when they scanned a new form, or maybe it was because Wheeljack never had passengers mucking up his insides.

Either way, the smell made Jack feel a bit nauseous.

And Wheeljack kept talking, even though Jack never replied, explaining his every move to the boy. It gave Jack the feeling that the massive, ancient alien was actually as uncomfortable with the situation as he was. Which was impossible, what did he have to worry about? He was massive and ancient and made out of metal.

"I'm tracking two separate Energon signals, both weak and very close together. Most likely two small natural deposits."

"Cool." Like, what? Was Jack supposed to care or something. He was all set to zone out again when Wheeljack swerved off the road without a warning and threw Jack against the door.

"Hey! You know we have roads for a reason right!?"

"What we're looking for isn't on your road," Wheeljack replied shortly and Jack decided that maybe he shouldn't push his luck with the only giant alien that didn't seem intent on killing him.

Several uncomfortable minutes passed with Jack staring blankly down at his hands. Wheeljack began to slow down, then finally cut his engine and rolled to a stop.

Jack dared look up "Woah. Are those..."

"Cybertronian ships? Yeah, they are."


It was...weird. Like a dream kinda weird.

The world around him was in sharp relief, detailed as if he was actually standing there, on the edge of the Sea of Chrome, but Soundwave could...feel like it wasn't right?

He wasn't great at describing things, but yeah, not right sounded about right.

Maybe everything was shining just a little too bright or the ground wasn't hard enough under his feet or the tips of his fingers felt a bit numb, or all of it. And maybe because he vaguely remembered Shockwave talking him through a cortical physic patch.

Anyways, he stepped forwards, or imagined stepping forwards, towards the unmistakable silhouette.


Megatron didn't turn or give any indication that he had heard Soundwave.

Soundwave reached out and brushed his fingers against Megatron's shoulder "Hey?"

Megatron lifted his head and glanced back, a faint smile on his face, eyebrows raised.

"Hey, Meg, you need to wake up, 'kay? Wake up."

Megatron blinked "Soundwave, I'm not asleep."

"No, I'm mean, not really, but you kinda are."

Megatron laughed and shook his head "Soundwave."

"Listen to me, okay? You're hurt and....and if you don't wake up..." Soundwave stopped before his voice cracked "Just wake up, okay?"

Megatron sighed and sat, his legs dangling off the edge of the cliff "Soundwave, as far as pranks go, this isn't the best."

"It's not a prank! Megatron! Seriously!"

"Serious isn't even a word you should be allowed to say."

Frustrated, Soundwave flopped down next to him and tangled his fingers together "Don't you remember? Don't you?"

"Remember what?" Megatron replied, his eyes fixed dead ahead.

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