Chapter 4

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A blinding light and searing heat, debris smattering against his mask. It was like being exposed to the full force of an exploding star. His sensors went mad, choking on the ash.

For a second a life signal flashed on the edge of his mask and he reached towards it, but met with resistance. A crumbling, burning wall, but still he couldn't get around it.

He slipped his hand down, searching for an opening, and he found one, a broken window, but it was at an angle he couldn't force his arm through.

Desperation clouded his mind as the lifesign flickered again, then went out. The human was out of time.

Steeling himself, Soundwave, extended a feeler and smashed it through the remainder of the glass, screeching as jagged shards and burning splinters ripped into his skin.

But he kept reaching, until he sensed the lifesign beneath the tip of his feeler.

"Soundwave! Soundwave do you read?" Megatron shouted into the comms "Answer me Soundwave!

The Groundbridge hissed as the ash coated figure staggered into the Alley's corridor, arms clutched to his chest.

He sank to his knees as the Groundbridge closed with a gasp.

Megatronus managed to make it to his side, despite the pitching of the ship.

"Soundwave, are you okay?"

Slowly Soundwave tilted his facemask up and though he couldn't see his face, Megatronus could feel the despair rolling off of Soundwave.

"I could only save one," he gasped out, unfolding his fingers to reveal a bundle of charred cloth "And I don't think he's going to make it, Megatron."


Starscream jumped away from the rock just as Arcee plumetted to the ground, missiles trained on her.

She landed soundlessly and leaned casually against the rock, eyebrows arched.

"Now, what's a little seeker doing all the way out here on its lonesome? Not lost are you?"

"I could ask the same thing of you, Arcee," he said coldly, still backing away. A few more feet and he'd have enough room to transform.

"Aww, who said I came alone?" She crooned, eyebrows arching in amusement.

Starscream's eyes went wide and he spun around, drawing out his swords, blocking the attack from Cliffjumper as the neon green Autobot drove his own blade down towards the Decepticon's head.

Starscream had barely enough time to turn back around to deflect a blaster shot from Arcee and then it was a whirlwind of metal and Energon as Starscream defended himself from both sides, growing increasingly more and more frantic as they closed in on him.

In a particularly viscious volley of blows, Arcee managed to slice open the back of his leg, causing him to shout in pain as Energon gushed to the ground.

"You're mine now, seeker," she hissed in delight.

He spat in disgust as he staggered backwards. His foot caught in the shifting pebbles and off-balance from the wound, Starscream fell backwards...

And hit the deck of the Ally with a resounding clang.

"Starscream are you alright?"

He heard Megatrons' voice as he saw the Groundbridge close above him.

"Starscream what happened? You're leaking!" Megatronus pulled his second in command up.

"Autobots," Starscream gasped "Where's the Doctor?"

"He's in the medical bay, we bridged him back first. Come on, let's get you there."

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