1. She's Not Like Other Girls

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Here it is!!! I know everyone has been waiting for this for so long. Prepare yourselves...y'all pussies boutta get POPPED!!! Taylor is pictured above!!! ENJOY!!!! UwU


I woke up in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock. I blinked sleep out of my bright blue orbs and rubbed my tired face. Another day of this goddamn bullshit. High school was the absolute worst and I didn't want to go through another day with all the basic hoes and teenage thotties. Dragging myself out of my four poster mahogany Hello Kitty Pink bed with a groan, I started my morning routine just like it was any other regular day.

While I brushed my teeth, I studied my reflection in the mirror and hated everything I saw staring back at me. I wasn't exactly the most beautiful girl in the world. I didn't like my body (even though my character in this story is being portrayed by some 25 year old model) and my face was kind of plain. By all the boys standards, I was quite plain. It was because of this nobody fuckin' liked me and I had no friends, aside from my two besties.

I went back to my room to get dressed, throwing on my favorite pair of jeans, a red hoodie, and my trusty black converse. The other girls always did their makeup and dressed up in short skirts with six inch heels and perfectly curled hair, but I left my long blonde locks in their messy bun and didn't bother with any of that beautiful people crap. If you hadn't already figured out by now, I'm not like the other girls. I'm really fuckin' quirky.

"Taylor, come eat your pancakes before it's time to leave!! I need you to drive your cock of a little brother to school this morning, or else I'm going to be late for my meeting!" I heard my mother call from downstairs. Sighing, I grabbed my backpack and trudged into the kitchen. My mom was putting breakfast on the table and my brother was already stuffing his face with bacon. Fatass.

"You look ugly," he said whenever he looked up and saw me enter the room.

"Shut up, Thomas, nobody likes a Minecraft loving ass bitch like you," I retorted, sticking my tongue out at him. He flipped me off when my mom wasn't looking. I hated 12 year old boys. My dad, of course, was nowhere to be seen. He was out of town on a business trip like usual. Both my parents were workaholics. That's some obvious foreshadowing for later, because they're obviously going to be out of the house quite often.

"Good morning, sweetheart," my mom said, setting down a plate in front of me. It was piled high with delicious looking food, but i'm only going to eat a fucking strawberry because that's what white people do in these types of stories.

Twenty minutes later, my brother and I were in the car and I was on the way to take him to school. We were late. If he didn't spend so long playing Angry Birds on his phone, we would've been on time.

"This is all your fault," I told him, turning on my favorite Panic! At The Disco album. Soooo quirky.

"It's not my fault you slept in so late," he said, still playing with those fuckin' birds on his phone.

"Whatever." The rest of the drive passed in a tense silence. He got out of the car without saying a word. I headed towards my school and mumbled curse words to myself, knowing there would be no good parking spots left. Fudge that little twat.

When I finally parked and managed to get inside to my locker, my best friends were standing there waiting for me. Tiffany was tall and played volleyball, with long brown hair and a phat ass. She should have been popular, but she didn't like any of the other popular girls bc they sucked exactly 20 eggs. No more no less. Melissa was just as pretty, with fiery red hair and big glasses. She was "nerd hot", like a pornstar. I liked them because I only like 2 people because I'm quirky. In reality, I'm just introverted and have no social skills, but in this universe that makes me desirable.

"Like, oh my god, Taylor, we didn't know if you were coming!" Melissa shouted at me.

"Yeah, what the fluff, we were so about to text you and see what the deal was," Tiffany said.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "Thomas wouldn't stop playing his video games."

"Well, that's behind us now. Did you hear were supposed to be getting some foreign exchange students?" Melissa whispered.

"Um, no," I said.

"They're supposed to be super hot," she continued, getting a dreamy look on her face.

"Yeah, like, SUPERDUPER hot," Tiffany agreed.

I rolled my eyes. "You guys, we don't have time for that. They won't talk to us anyways, because we're a bunch of losers."

Tiffany shrugged. "Who cares? Doesn't mean we can't look."

"Well I don't want to be late, so I'm going to class now. See you at lunch?" I asked. They nodded and we said our goodbyes.

On my way to first period, I was so tired that I didn't watch where I was walking. I bumped into what felt like a solid brick wall, and dropped my stuff all over the floor. I looked up and saw some curly ass motherfucker I didn't recognize. He looked like something straight out of a magazine, but he was wearing a pink shirt. Fuckin' flamingo.

"Might want to watch where you're walking, love," he said to me with a smirk. Was that a British accent? I felt my face heating up. That was strange, because I never got embarrassed because I'm quirky.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, staring up at him with wide orbs.

"Just be more careful next time," he said, helping me to my feet once I gathered all my books.

"Y-Yeah, will do," I stuttered like an idiot, blinded by his beauty.

"Do I got sumfin on mah face?" He asked, his smirk turning more smug by the minute.

I was too retarded to say anything.

"Is it the shirt?" he said, like he knew he was glowing like a homo.

"What?" I said, too spacey to make real sentences and instead sound like a spaced out imbecile.

"Haven't you heard, love? Bad boys wear pink now."

With a wink and a chuckle he was gone.

So that was chapter 1!!!! Eat my ass if you didn't like it <3333

Part 2 coming soon! Leave a comment!

xoxoxoxo Quirky Kate

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