9. Glitty Huss

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Fortillfuck was whisked away by "je suis daddy," so it was just thunderfuck,
jupiternightfuck, and me. out of the fog, i saw a gay figure approaching us. it was harry styles l. "aLLO LOVE" harry screeched at us because if he's not annoying every five seconds, he WILL explode. last time i saw pinky bitch was when he was humping debs cheaply clad leg. i decided to tell him to eat my ass one last time. "harry i know you have an oedipus complex because homewrecking is your kink, but i frankly don't give a fuck. i've found other gay boys to raw my hole." fuck styles, starting his descent into bam bam bam mode, began to argue with me loudly, "bam bam bam myopic bam black sheep rose symbolism is sooooo important bam i'm an intp so fUCK YOU YOURE STUPID FOR HAVINF FEELINGS DID I MENTION I HAVE A 140 IQ." i have heard this speech too many times before. i said, "aight imma head out" and dipped. being constantly bombarded by daddy issues mcbitchboy is exhausting. i heard footsteps follows behind me, and i turned around to face Junipernightgown. "hey i know these things are hard to deal w but i think i have something that can help," all of a sudden, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and began to stuff each cig from the pack into her mouth and light them all at once. damn that bitch can take dick huh ? after she finished the entire pack in .7 seconds then offered me one. "wait wait i can't smoke," i said, "what will i do if my family smells smoke on me?" nightgownaltopussy grinned and produced a bottle of sweet smelling liquid from her asshole, "i have just the thing. it's called glitty fuckin huss and it will cover up the smell of absolutely ANYTHING. Depression, cigarette smoke, cum, you name it and it fuckin covers that shit up rIGHT quick." i doused myself thoroughly in the glit huss and i was instantly reminded of all the worst things in life. my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and i was instantly transported to the hallway at pedo school. it was there that i saw it with my own two eyes. past deb trying to mend her shitty, hot pink gown and onion licking cockly and the water buffalo trotting about the halls and the tik tokers juuling in the bathroom and the scene roller backpackgirl w the uwu haircut and coach fucking all the little boys and the gaggle of deltoid boys that all like to hide in the secret closet where they can have dusty orgies that's where i saw her. that short ugly bitch that thinks she's hot fuck. chortling alone with curly haired anime bitch there she was. it was lesbischnitzel. and she was out in full force. i looked down to see her holding hands with the one and only Damien Joyce XD. i seethed with rage. fucking fake lesbian. i knew what i needed to say and do. i saunter down the hall, shoved down lesbischnitzel and said, "IF YOUR BOYFRIEND HAS A VAGINA THEN FUCK YOU"
~~~~fuckin uhhhh get ready for the piss kink~~~~~

Bad Boys Wear PinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora