Camp Cock

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after ashton and liam had their altercation in the hallway, we made it to the auditorium for the battle of the boonds. the entire school was here, and i could see them all vibrating in their seats, like a dildo in my pusspusspocket.

while we sat there waiting, i began to hear a rumble in the distance. similar to the one i heard in assburger with the big spangly. the lights when off and the noise got louder.

"oh my clit," some random girl screamed, "is this....C A M P C O C K?"

camp cock? what's that?

stomping sounded from the left side of the stage. every once in a while, i could hear a clap. the lights came back on suddenly, and i could see one direction stomping and clapping in an organized manner. weird, because real life one direction never did anything other than diddle each other on stage and sing.

"One D!!!" they chanted ritualistically, proceeding to move closer to the middle of the stage. "One D!!!"

5sos was already positioned, fingering their instruments and clapping their cheeks. they were obviously unbothered by this bullshit ass routine. i knew this meant they had a dope ass musical number planned.

my hole was about to get rawed.

then, descending from the sky with a mask over his eyes and a big, billowy cape came the phantom of the cockera. "hello BETCHES. welcome to Battle of My Girlfriend Said I Could Stick It In Her Ass. single dick and 5 lubed dickholes will each perform a song of their choice. at the end of the night, you'll vote for your favorite band gleeking. whoever earns the fattest gleek will win the prize of dragon bitch."

"who the fuck is dragon bitch?" the kid in front of me whispered to his friend. i slithered between them, using the skills i learned from the woman at the puddy pop candy shit.

"are ya talkin about mah coochie?" i asked.


"well yah shud be!"

one direction started their performance first. they chose one of the OG lit bangers and i could feel my hole start to clench. fuck.

"hey baby girls," harry said into the mic with a raspy, malnourished white boy voice. "let's ride."

everyone erupted in screams. the girl next to me shoved her hand down her pants and stared masturbating furiously, letting out a high pitched moan. the guy next to me had his eyes glued to the stage and was jacking his dick with a literal. hammer.


"betches know they cont catch me," nail said. the eggs were back, and he started throwing the handfuls of scrambled eggs in his pants into the crowd to get them hype. louis was eating pencils at the speed of light, faster than a pencil sharpener ever could. he was putting those mechanical bitches to shame.

"cute sexy and roide sportea," zayn continued, rapidly changing from bat to human. that edward cullen fuck really makes me anxious. i wish jacob from twilight was still in my attic to take this cocksucker out.

they finished the rest of their song and i had no doubt in my mind that everyone would gleek for them. 5sos stillhad a chance though, so i knew i had to wait and see. but then, in a flash of angst, a third band appeared on the stage. was that? no. it couldn't be. they were...they were dead. unless......?

"hey there you sad sons of sac my name is gerald wave and we are my chemical cock."

the entire camp exploded. girls started fainting, boys were violently applying eyeliner and the teachers were ripping their business casual fits to shreds, revealing the MCR t-shirt's they had hidden underneath. people began beating each other up to the sound of Welcome to the Black Parade, and i began fearing for my life. the quirky bitches could tell that my egirl self was vibing HARD to this banger, and their overall straps started extending towards me, grasping at my limbs, threatening to raw me into a billion pieces. i had to protect my squid babies.

one of the straps caught my ankle and started dragging me backwards. i didn't know how to escape the madness. by the grace of cock, a werewolf jumped through the window and started eating all the overalls. the quirky bitches started to hiss, eyes burning at the sight of his luxurious brown pelt. only something mainstream could kill them, like i saw with SkeletonBumbleFuck in my attic. was jacob back?

"you need to come with us," a voice said to my left.

"father cock?" i wondered in a daze.

"no," my savior said, "it's sam winchester. i want you to join my pack."

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