4. Twenty Eggs

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After the bullshittiest day in my existence, it was finally time for lunch.

I thought i would finally catch a break and eat my goddamn salad in peace, but unfortunately the big Chink Daddy in the sky had other plans for me. It's name was Niall Horan.

I sat down all by myself at the lunch table, because my only 2 friends had 8th period lunch instead of 6th, and opened up my lunch cocks. I bukakked my ranch over the lettuce the same way I secretly prayed Danny Devito would bust a nut all over my tiddies.  As I was about to take my first bite, some blond bitch sat down next to me and chomped down on the fork before I could bring it to my lips.

"Literally, what the FUCK was that?!" I screamed, while this cracked out fucker looked me in the eyes and chomped down on my salad like a cow on grass.

"I nEeD tO eAT sUMFIN. I oNLY GoT tWenTy EgGS." He yodeled. Yes, I said yodeled. Fuckin' Swiss whore.


He leaned in close to my ear and began to whisper. "I pulled them from the chicken's ass meself!!!!! Up the bum for eggy fun!!!"

I was going to have another panic attack. These foreigners were going to be the death of me.

"I have absolutely no interest in anything you're saying to me right now, I don't know who you are, you've eaten my salad and i've got a lot of concerns about what you do in your free time," I said to Cock.

"Me names Niall," he time, pulling out a sock. I could see that it was stuffed with a bunch of weird shit, "THIS ME COCK SOCK. ITS FOR THA EEGS!!!"

Niall whipped out 20 raw eggs. He put two in each hand and smashed them on the table, sending that nasty ass underdeveloped chicken fetus all over the place. He smashed two more over his head, dropped 8 down his pants and proceeded to chuck the remaining four at these other kids across the cafeteria. When the eggs splattered on their chests, Niall and the weird fucks proceeded to rip their shirts open like a shitty stripper at a bachelor party and leedle harder than Spongebob ever could.

"YoU WANNA JOIN THA CLOOB MATE?" Niall asked me, grabbing a fist full of my salad. He shoved that down his pants with the eggs.

After my morning of cockery, i could no longer stick to my motto "always repressie, never aggressie" and i gave him a right hook straight to the cock spot. There was absolutely no response from him, but I felt one of the eggs crack under my fist.

"YA COONT BEAT THE POWER OF EGGS. MAH MORNING ROUTINE KEEPS ME SAFE." Niall screamed. I was so confused. Literally where the fuck were the teachers and why was this allowed to happen?

Just them, I saw a familiar face make their way into the room. Flamingo Bitch was back with his pube ass curly ass hair. Niall let out another leedle. "BROTHS HARRY HAS ARRIVED."

Things were beginning to make so much sense.

Niall hurdled over every table in the lunch room and chest bumped Harry harder than I've ever seen any human titty touch before. They did some kinda weird ass bro shake and talked for a few minutes, leaving me to stare wistfully from across the cafeteria. It was at this moment I noticed that there was black ink peeking out of the pink shirt Harry had on.  As much as I hated to admit it, this cotton candy fuck was kind of Daddy. I wanted to lick him like a cocksicle, but I'd never admit that to anyone except my PussyGirl Diary.

Just then, Harry caught me staring and I felt myself blush bright red. Harry winked at me, and Niall pulled a handful of scrambled eggs from his right pant leg. He shoved the entire thing in his mouth, also staring at me just like he did before. Despite that weird fuckin shit, Harry's gaze made my asshole clench. I knew Inwas absolutely fucked, bc we've had limited interaction over the span of 4 chapters, and by this point in a Wattpad fanfic i should already be in love.

But not me. Not yet. I'm not ready for love. Just dick.

Doing my best to ignore Harry and Niall, I pulled out my phone and texted the Girlies.

Y'all some bitch rlly pulled eggs out his dick

A minute passed. Then a ding happened.

Over easy? Or sunny side up?

Why the fuck did that matter?


Tina and Tiffany responded at the same time. (No, these aren't their original names, but i don't remember who the fuck they were in chapter 1. it doesn't matter. they can change names because they're quirky.)

That's Niall. You should've seen what he did with the chicken.

I was so disturbed by the information, I hadn't realized Harry come up behind me.

"Hello again, love." he purred. Like a cat. Yanno, cause he's a pussy.

"Um, hello." I mumbled.

"You should smile more," he said, "When you smile, you light up my world like nobody else. They way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed."


Then he left. I have no clue what happened but my pussy was wet. Maybe he liked me to? I didn't want to get my hopes up, but there was a small chance.

Or so I thought. At the last minute, the cafeteria door opened one final time. I expected it to be the teacher meant to be managing us all, but it turned out to be the worst possible thing.

Wearing a poorly made and shittily beaded prom dress, a lanky brunette walked right up to Harry and started putting the moves on him. It was my worst enemy.

It was Deb.





Bad Boys Wear PinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora