Chapter 1

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Ethan stared at his phone. He was sitting in a classroom fiddling with the red and blue pick tied around his neck. Class was going tostart in twenty minutes but Ethan didn't care. It had been two years since he'd seen Mark in person. Speaking of who, he hasn't texted in one year. Everyday Ethan would send a message saying how much he missed him. He knew that Mark's mother was dead... Mark had Skyped him at midnight sobbing. Ethan had tried to comfort him but it was to no avail. He wanted to wrap his arms around Mark and hold him until the crying had stopped. He missed Mark a lot. The memories from camp were clear in his head. The day he met him, the first time he'd heard him sing... He stared at the selfie that got put into the group chat before Mark got the news. Ethan had downloaded it onto his phone and every night he'd hope that Mark would text him. He'd stayed in touch with everyone else. Dan, Phil, Joey, Daniel, Miles, Thomas, Nate, Mat, Jason, Steph and Jess and asked constantly if they'd heard from him. At one point Sean, Bob and Wade had joined the chat too and instantly made friends. Ethan really missed Mark, he worried about him... he would give anything if it meant he'd see him again.

"Earth to Ethan..."

Ethan looked up, Shelby was staring at him with a worried expression. Shelby was his best friend. One of the kindest people that he'd known. Her short black hair was styled in a way that was partly out but the two parts that always got in her face were tied back. She had brown eyes and freckles along her nose. Her short frame was leaning over the back of her chair. She was wearing a black parade tee with some black shinny jeans today. Every day, she'd cycle through her collection of band tee shirts. She had at least one shirt from every album of the emo trinity and a twenty one pilots one too. "Yeah?" He asked.

"You're crying." She pointed out. "Are you okay? Is this about Mark?"

Fuck! Ethan thought wiping away the tears.

"It's been a year since you'd talked to him... you must have really loved him..." Shelby whispered.

"I've told you this a million times... I still love him... I want to see him again." Ethan muttered slipping his phone into his jean pockets.

"He's in a foster home isn't he? Wasn't he moved to here to Canada? Can't you ask Robert if he knows where Mark is?"

"I've tried Shelby... he doesn't know."

Mild Trigger Warning

Shelby looked down at Ethan's arms. He'd covered them with his sleeves. The self harm never stopped but Shelby didn't know how much he did it. If she did, she would have left Ethan alone again.

"Did know?" She asked.

"Cut?" He asked.

Shelby nodded.

"Yeah..." Ethan knew that there was no point in lying to her. She knew everything about Ethan but that was gained over a year of knowing him... Mark practically got to know him fully in two weeks...

"You should try to stop... it's an addiction... one day you could hit a vein an-and die." She stuttered out.

"I can't. I know your concerned but with everything happening I need some form of control..." He whispered.

"It's bad Ethan... even though you're wearing long sleeve shirts all the time you can see the bandages if you look close enough. Please, at least try not to do it so much. If I have to stay at your house and make sure that you don't do it, I will. I would help you get over it and help you find a new way of staying in control." Shelby said.

"Without Mark, Shelby, I'm nothing." Ethan mumbled.

"Ethan, you'll be okay." Shelby stated determinedly. "I'll make sure of that, now class is about to start so get your book out and get to work. I wanna see you pa- oh shit! HEY CHELSEY!" She shouted over the other kids she waved the other girl over. People gave her dirty looks and she glared back. One thing Ethan knew about Shelby is that she didn't care what other people thought about her. She hated fights though.

Trigger Warning Over

Have I met her before? Ethan thought. Maybe I've seen her around somewhere...

"Hey, I moved from the other class." Chelsey smiled at Ethan, her hair was a dirty blond colour and her eyes were green. She was wearing a white teeshirt under a purple chest shirt that had a tiger on the back. "Ethan right?"

"Yeah... how do you know my name?"

"Blue hair. Everyone knows about you because you always get yelled at about your coloured hair."

"Fuck the teachers. I'll dye my hair what colour I want because in the real world no one gives a fuck." Ethan stated.

Chelsey laughed. "You remind me of someone."

"Do they go to this school?" Ethan asked.

"They doesn't come to school. They're in this program where I pick up work for them and drop it off." Chelsey explained.

"So how do you know Shelby?" Ethan asked.

"Oh, we run into each other all the time and during science which is the one class that you're not in we partner up and screw around with dangerous chemicals."

"As much as I want to talk to you guys right now, class is starting." Shelby said.

Time Skip

"That class was bor-ing." Chelsey sighed. They were heading through the halls towards the outside. Ethan and Shelby usually had to sneak out because some teachers didn't like them outside but sometimes they'd be able to just mosey on through. Chelsey was new to it.

"And it's only the beginning of the day." Ethan pointed out.

"Hey, so do you wanna come to mine after school?" Shelby asked.

"I would but um... my mum's home tonight and Cameron isn't..." Ethan whispered.

"Oh... Oof." Shelby mumbled.

"Is something wrong with your mum?" Chelsey asked.

"Just -uh- family problems." Ethan stuttered.

"Ah. Well, I'd gladly keep you company Shelby."


The three walked towards the PE hall. There was an exit that no teachers checked. They walked through and Ethan traced the lines that made up the basket ball and dodge ball areas. They then pushed open the door and walked towards a cherry blossom tree.

"So y'all up for music?" Chelsey asked.

"What do you have?" Shelby questioned.

"Here I have a good one."

G note.

"CHELSEY ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Shelby exclaimed.

"She got you good." Ethan laughed. They sat under the tree and Ethan pulled out his sketch book and pencils. He flipped through the book and eventually landed on the picture that he had drawn of him and Mark under the lake a few years ago. He quickly flipped past it and onto an empty page singing along with the two girls. Eventually the song ended and the three cheered before The Haunting came on.

Come on in boy
Said the Skeltons
Sitting by her closet door
Dirty secrets
Heavy memories
And broken hearts across the floor

Ethan started sketching. Since the song was sort of edgy and angry he drew a base to match it. The next song came on but Ethan kept to his idea and continued to draw the figure. It was something... half robot, half demon. Ethan named him Blank. He added a few details like the back and blue eyes and the cog around one of them. His hair was going to be glowing and he had an angry look on his face with a knife leaning along his leg.

"Edgy. The bells about to go you know?" Chelsey pointed out.

Ethan nodded and closed the book, deciding he'd finish once in his next class. Shelby, Chelsey and Ethan headed towards their next class.

Okay! First chapter! How was it? I hope it was good... I'm gonna try to get these out once a week but it really depends on if my depression isn't a bitch. I also finished the actual cover... Well anyway, love y'all and peace out!

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