Chapter 8

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Ethan sighed as he stared up at the roof of his bedroom. All of the overwhelming emotions hit him the minute he lied down. He had cried for hours on end, worrying Cameron but the moment he had tried to sit down, Ethan had pushed him away.

Ethan was calmer now, just thinking.

He pulled his phone from the charger and messaged the group chat.

Crankgameplays: So Mark is back

Everyone started texting at the same time. Well, everyone who was awake or not at school.

AmazingPhil: R u serious mate?!

Danisnotonfire: what. The. Fuck. Where is he?


Jason: Says you

Aphmau: stfu

A spam of XD's and LOL's followed.

Crankgameplays: he hasn't touched his phone. He lives with my best friend's friend and he just came in to the room that we were watching a movie in. I met his friend Ryu who practically lives in the cafe that we went for breakfast for. She's cool.

AmazingPhil: Get them all in here! Get Mark back in here!

Jacksepticeye: can you guys stop spamming the fucking group chat. My notifications are going crazy and I'm trying to WAIT FUCKING HELL ETHAN! GET MARK BACK IN HERE RIGHT NOW SO I CAN BEAT HIS ASS FOR DITCHING US FOR SO LONG!

Crankgameplays: I could get Chelsey and Shelby in here. But we need to give Mark some space...

Jason: What happened?

Aphmau: is he okay?

Crankgameplays: he's alive... I guess... mentally? I don't know...

Danisnotonfire: shit...

RobertIDK: Ethan, tell me where you live so I can come and beat Mark's ass for Sean.

Crankgameplays: nah. We could probably hang out though.

RobertIDK: sounds like a plan.

Joey: omg, please set up a video chat sometime with Mark.

Daniel: That sounds like a good idea, we could all talk again!

Natewantstobattle: Is probably be rocking out in my room if we ever chatted like that. It'd be awesome.

MattyPatty: yeah. No. I've got studying to do so no "rocking out".

Natewantstobattle: try to stop me XD

Steph: omfg will you guys SHUSH.

MattyPatty: no!

Steph: Yes!

Crankgameplays: where's Ryland and Shane?

ShaneDawson: fucking each other into the ground

Ryland: SHANE!

ShaneDawson: What? It's the truth.

Crankgameplays: HAHA! Okay look, how would you be texting if you were fucking each other into the ground? Also, consider me tired as fuck. It is one am and school is tomorrow. Then I'm probably heading to the skating rink. I've got to practice until my feet fall off.

He got a lot of reply's that were along the lines of "alright gn" and "later gay boi". And Ethan watched as the messages came through. Even Wade and Bob who weren't even in the conversation properly said goodnight and then he shut his phone off and closed his eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

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