Chapter 2

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Ethan sighed as he walked home. After saying goodbye to Chelsey and Shelby the dreaded time of day had arrived. Even though school was literal hell he'd rather be there with his friends instead of his... his mother. He wanted Cameron to be there.

Cameron was Ethan's step-father and he was the dad that he'd wished he had. Cameron accepted him. He loved Ethan and defending him from his mother. He actually made Christmas two years ago amazing by cooking real food and buying Ethan what he wanted and needed. Real new cloths, an actual phone that wasn't cracked to bits and the best thing was new lead pencils. Ethan felt bad and used his artistic skills to draw Cameron. It took a few weeks of constant forcing himself to draw but it came out perfectly and Cameron loved it a lot. He even hung it up in his mother and his room which REALLY pissed her off but she actually showed some form of love to him so she never fought him about it.

He soon came upon his house, wishing that he was with Shelby and Chelsey instead. He opened the door and hoped that either Chara (did I give her a different name last time?) was asleep or that he was silent enough that she didn't hear him.

"Get the fuck in here!" She screamed from the kitchen.

Well fuck my life. Ethan growled at himself walking into the kitchen. As he walked in he turned his face completely emotionless and pushed all of the funny things that's happened today, instead focusing on how much he missed Mark.

"Where the fuck were you at third period?" Chara hissed.

"Smoking pot. What the fuck do you think I've been doing? I was late okay." Ethan said. He'd gotten a lot braver and stronger, he'd grown some balls and finally stood up for himself. Too bad that words effected him more than the hits... Ethan sometimes wished that he could turn off his emotions completely but then again, turning them off could actually end up getting someone killed so scratch that idea.

Chara stood up, glaring at Ethan. She slapped him across the face. He held that part of his face and glared at his mum with a lot of hatred. No, a fucktonne of hatred. She started speaking.

"If you think I'm proud of you, think again fag. You're stupid and worthless. You don't deserve anything from Cameron and the way he looks at your art is disgusting. I'm always so tempted to destroy that shit. Oh yeah, your art is shit. It doesn't have anything good about it. You're just a fuckup. A. Stupid. Fucking. Fuckup." Chara hissed with a malicious smile. She then grabbed Ethan's hair and threw him to the floor. It took every ounce of energy not to let the tears fall.

"Go fuck yourself mum. You don't deserve Cameron. You don't deserve me. Just go drink some more alcohol to forget this conversation." Ethan growled stomping off. The tears were already falling as he felt every harsh word stab him in the heart. He slammed the door to his room and locked it. He turned on his music on his speaker and sat on the edge of his bed.

Trigger Warning

Tears fell onto the floor. Ethan really didn't deserve anything did he? He was just a stupid fuckup. He opened the drawer next to his bed and found his shining pocket knife. It was bought to either whittle or defend himself but Ethan used it for other things. He pulled up his sleeve to the shoulder, took off some bandage from earlier and started slicing. He cut neat lines into his arms, avoiding old scars and silently sobbed. It stung but it was a good kind of pain, the type that was calming to him. Once he was finished, blood was dripping from Ethan's arm. He stared at the blood that left drops on his shirt and put the knife away, pulling some new cloths from his drawer and going to have a shower to wash the bleeding cuts. He unlocked his door after turning down his music and walked into the bathroom, he threw his cloths that were dotted with blood into the corner and turned on the tap as he stripped. He took a deep breath and shoved his arm under the water. The stinging amplified but soon it was bearable to start washing himself, getting the smell of BO and blood off him. Red streamed through the water below him and eventually he got out, grabbing some antibacterial soap and rubbing alcohol and cleaning the wounds. Once done, he opened the cupboard again and got some bandages, wrapping them around his arm gently.

Trigger Warning Over

Ethan lay down, still feeling the light stinging. He turned on his phone and went onto the Gay Lords. He'd changed his name because why not? And this would keep him distracted until dinner.

Crankgameplays: Anyone heard from Mark?

Instantly there were replies.

Jacksepticeye: nope... not yet... I miss the guy Ethan, I haven't heard from him in a year...

AmazingPhil: no... sorry Ethan.

Mileschronicles: Seriously. Is he okay?

RobertIDK: I really hope so

Crankgameplays: I want to see him again... I made a new friend today.

Eventually everyone was chatting to each other. Every friend that Ethan had made was talking except for Mark... soon dinner arrived: Thai with NO PEANUTS and Ethan rushed downstairs to enjoy his meal. After thanking Cameron and taking a quick glare at his mother, he went back up and said goodbye to the group. Ethan saw a new message from Chelsey.

Chelsey: Hey Ethan. Do you want to come over mine tomorrow for a sleepover? Shelby is coming and we could all get to know each other a little better. Plus it's Saturday tomorrow

Ethan had forgotten that it was Friday and mentally facepalmed.

Ethan: Sure! What time do u want me over?

Chelsey: four-ish, bring some food if u can

Ethan: cool!

And that's all Ethan thought about until he went to sleep.

Alright! So, is this a good start? The story pacing will probably be similar to Red and Blue except this will be over a long period of time with a few timeskips here and there so I don't bore you all with the specifics 😂 alright, love y'all and peace out!

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