Chapter 5

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When Ethan's eyes met Mark's his eyes filled with tears as he ran at the red haired boy. He cried into his shoulder, it took a bit but eventually Mark's arms curled around Ethan as well and soft sobs were heard from next to his ear as Mark nuzzled his nose into Ethan's shoulder.

"Come with me." Mark whispered.

"I-" Ethan mumbled.

"Ethan, go." Chelsey commanded. "Shelby and I will be okay, I'll bring the pizza in, in a second."

Mark lead Ethan into the room next door. He noticed before how the door was shut and soft music was coming from inside. Mark opened the door and flopped on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

Ethan noticed his guitar in the far corner of his room and a bedside table with a drawer next to his bed. A closet next to the TV. Inside the wall it seemed. Say You Won't Let Go was playing in the background.

"The song we sung together..." Ethan mumbled.

"Sorry?" Mark said pausing the music.

When Ethan shook his head, Mark stared at his hands. Now that Ethan has a good look at him, Mark looked completely exhausted, massive shadows curled around his eyes and his hair was a complete mess.

"What happened to you Mark?" Ethan asked.

Mark patted the spot next to him on the bed and Ethan obliged, lying down next to him. It felt strange to finally be seeing Mark again. As much as Ethan wanted to cuddle into Mark and soak it all in, he didn't know how he'd react.

"I missed you, you know?" Ethan whispered when Mark stayed silent. "For nights I'd stay up crying and not be able to sleep, wondering what happened to you and if you were okay... Wondering if you-" Ethan's words choked off and tears flooded into his eyes once again. To his surprise Mark moved and wrapped his arms around him, resting his head on Ethan's shoulder. At first it was awkward and strange but pretty soon, the familiarity made him relax.

"E-e-everyone was ter-rified." Ethan managed to choke out. Mark wrapped his arms around him tighter. Being in Mark's arms again... he felt so safe...

"I... I don't know what happened... my phone has been completely off for a year. I haven't been able to do anything except talk to Shelby about you or my mum or camp..." Mark sighed tears streaming down his face. "Even Raven visited me to see if I was okay, she said that she visits the people that she cares the most about and is worried about them... she said that I was like Spirit, completely lost and scared... confused... She tried to convince me to contact you again but... I just couldn't talk to anyone... I spent days crying out for you, screaming for you to return to me... it fucking hurt because I knew that just messaging you wasn't going to be enough and before I knew it, I'd shut out all my friends... I'm so fucking sorry."

Ethan clutched Mark tighter and started crying harder with him. They stayed in that position for around an hour just crying and curling into one another.

Trigger Warning

Ethan opened his eyes and glanced at Mark's arms, noticing scars. Scars.

"Mark..." Ethan whispered rubbing his hand along them. He felt them all, they littered his skin like his hairs. They met eyes again and Mark's filled with tears.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Mark, it's okay. I wouldn't blame you for that. I did it too... I still do it... usually after getting yelled at by my mum but I gained a little bit of self control." Ethan whispered pulling up his sleeve to show him his own.

Mark pulled him in close again and Ethan nuzzled into his chest.

"There's scars everywhere on my wrists... thighs... shoulders..." Mark sighed. "They're ugly... like me."

Ethan's eyes widened almost in anger. "Don't ever say that about yourself Mark!" He cried. "You're beautiful... I'd cross the fucking universe to tell you that."

Mark brushed Ethan's blue hair up and they stared into each other's eyes. Soon their faces were so close together that Ethan couldn't help but kiss Mark. They locked lips for what seemed like hours. Mark's lips were chapped but they both melted into each other just how they did it those two years ago. When they came out for air they rested their foreheads against each other's smiling.

"I missed that." Mark mumbled.

"I missed it too." Ethan smiled.

They rested in the sweet silence, cuddled together lovingly.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Mark piped up.

"Hot chocolates?" Ethan asked.

Mark nodded. Ethan knew he looked exhausted but after a little quarrel about him needing rest he finally gave in and allowed Mark to make the drinks with him. Mark worked the stove, putting the milk into a mug to pour into a small pot to heat up. Ethan noticed a coffee machine with a froth maker and asked if he could make some. Mark nodded and Ethan waited for the milk to froth up. He then looked for the chocolate powder and marshmallows and pulled them out of the cupboard, passing both to Mark. Once the milk was fully heated he poured it back into the mugs and added some chocolate. Once he finished stirring the chocolate in Ethan put some froth on top and some marshmallows in each and then sprinkled some more chocolate on top.

Mark and Ethan picked up their cups and walked back upstairs, placing the cups of hot chocolate on the bedside table before Ethan embraced Mark and pulled him onto the bed, cuddling into his shoulder.

They talked until their throats hurt. Mark has made a friend who he stuck by all the time. Apparently she was one of the reasons he was alive besides Ethan who he clung onto for dear life. He told him everything that had happened in the past year of no contact and he got into more detail of why he hadn't talked to anyone. They had started crying again.

Ethan knew his Mark was still in there. That's what made his heart light up. He had told Mark everything that had happened in his own life... how he'd started figure skating and about Shelby who listened to every second of his rambles.

After they were finished catching up they smiled warmly at each other. Ethan hadn't felt this way since camp two years ago and it all came rushing back. It was overwhelming but in a good way.

"Do you just wanna watch anime?" Mark spoke after a long while of just silence and them just cradling one another.

"Sure." Ethan answered with a smile.

"Any preferences?"

"Attack on Titan."


After getting in a more comfortable position, Ethan and Mark stared at the TV watching episode after episode, cuddled into each other, feeling each other's presence. Soon Ethan's eyes started dropping and he fell asleep on Mark's chest, smiling as his dreams carried him away.

Alright, the reunion. I hope you this because I really like writing these cute little scenes where they're just together and loving being there. Also, I want to let you all know that I have a book called The Shadows Among Us which is on my account. It has Darkiplier and Antisepticeye along with Mark and Sean. Also me and my friends but the whole thing is a metaphor which i will explain. Anyway, I have a lot of fun writing that series and it'd be cool if you could give them a chance. Anyway, love y'all and peace out!

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