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This is gonna be a short chapter but I've been thinking do you guys want smut between the characters?
but comment if you want or don't want sex, fave and enjoy the story!


Will shot up in bed, and without even thinking about it, swore at the top of his lungs and grabbed his midsection. His entire abdomen was cramped up, to the point where it had torn him out of the best sleep he had gotten in months. "Shit" he groaned, curling up in the fetal position to try and get rid of the pain. Where the hell had this come from? What had he-Oh.

All of a sudden, the answer hit him.

It was that stupid pasta Jordan had forced him to eat. He never had a large amount of carbs at once, and he tried to avoid them all together. If he were to guess, his stomach had no idea how to handle them. He grumbled, moving to stretch out. He felt his leg brush across something. He turned his head to see a sleeping Jordan with eyes slightly opened. Will couldn't help but stare at his face, Will was tempted to feel on his jawline and he did so. He brushed his hand along Jordan's jawline.

"Aye, you can look but you can't touch" Jordan jokingly said.

Will tried to force out some words to explain himself but before he could say anything, Jordan sat up in bed. "Brush your teeth and shower because we're gonna go meet up with Graser, Tomahawk and my friends."

Even though his stomach was in immense pain. Will couldn't help but smile at the sound of his friend's names. Will fought against the pain and went to go get ready.


Tomahawk sat himself down at the kitchen table, and took a deep breath. Devon had left for work hours ago, leaving the Tomahawk to roam the house. He had told Tomahawk that he could go outside, as long as he didn't lock himself out, but the idea hardly appealed to him. The last thing he wanted was to go outside and get forced to strike up a conversation.

For right now, he settled on cleaning his guardian's apartment. The dishes had to be done, and the place looked like it hadn't been vacuumed or dusted in God knows how long. So, as an attempt towards a kind gesture for letting him stay, Tomahawk decided to tidy up the house to the best of his ability.

Though it had been nearly four days, he couldn't get what Devon had told him out of his head. He knew he had to talk. That was the whole reason he had gotten thrown out of the hospital; they thought he was ready. Obviously, he wasn't. Any idiot could have figured that out. But when push came to shove, they needed more spaces for the critical need patients, so he got booted to the street. His life wasn't as in danger as they had originally thought, so it was fine to let him go. Still, the idea that they thought Will was stable was beyond him. Multiple times a day, he wondered how the boy was doing. Luckily Devon informed him that they'll be meeting up with him and he can find out how Will is doing.

It was times like these that Julio wondered what was really wrong with him. They had diagnosed him with severe social anxiety, but he never had a problem being around a large amount of people. It was the idea of speaking that made him want to be secluded. People meant talking. He hated talking, so he hated people. Why? It was something only he knew. The nurses had never pried it out of him, no matter how much they begged, pleaded, bargained, or screamed. It wasn't any of their business. After all, who were they to him? Strangers...all of them.

By the time Devon had gotten home, he had conquered the entire living room, and half of the kitchen.

"Geez, you were busy today," Devon commented, halfway through taking off his coffee stained apron before he even got through the door. "Damn, I had one hell of a day today."

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