Soft Skin

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Once he stepped out of the shower, Julio observed his torso in the mirror. His skin tone was even. He had a slight scar on his side.

He dried his freshly dyed-blond-hair the best he could, and ran his fingers through it to get the tangles out. His face looked tired, but it wasn't something he could be bothered with. As quickly as he could, he got himself ready. Even at the speed he was moving, he wasn't surprised to find Devon waiting for him at his desk. "Slow as ever."

"I hurried this time." the boy grumbled. "When can we go to Will's?"

"Two hours."

"Oh." Julio said.

"You take just as long as a woman to get ready," Devon explained

Julio scowled, but made his way over to his partner. "Fuck you."

"Would you like me to make it up to you?" Devon asked, grabbing the boy by his waist. He had yet to put on a shirt, and his skin was warm against his partner's hands. When Julio only shot him a puzzled look, he smiled. "A bit slow today, are we?"

"Shut up."

Obeying the boy, Devon brought their lips together, silencing them both. His tongue ran over Julio's lips, pushing past his teeth and into his mouth. His hands wandered up and down the boy's body, standing up so that he could take control. Immediately, he began forcing his partner backwards, til his legs hit the edge of his mattress. Julio stopped moving, and Devon took it as an indication that it was safe to throw the boy backwards onto the bed.

What he hadn't planned for was Julio switching positions at the last minute so that the boy landed on top of him. Devon smirked, thoroughly amused. If the boy thought he was going to take charge that easily, he had another thing coming. Before the boy could even do anything, he was thrown into the mattress.

Julio didn't mind, really. It was less work for him this way. That, and he loved the feeling of being trapped beneath Devon. Something about it gave him an insane rush, and his erection was good evidence of that.

The man pushed their hips together, forcing a moan from Julio's lips. Without any warning, he moved forward, trying desperately to take off Devon's clothing. As soon as he had his partner's shirt off, the boy brought him back down, lips brushing against the man'a neck. Devon shuddered, dragging his fingernails down his boyfriend's body. The boy's back arched, and he lged forward to tear off the rest of his partner's clothes, wanting desperately to feel the warmth of his skin.

Before he could even get the boy's pants zippered, Julio fod himself pinned back down, with his clothes being mercilessly torn from his body. All the while, Devon's mouth attacked his skin, biting and kissing wherever he could reach. "Devon.." the boy groaned, body jolting with pleasure every time he felt Devon's body against his. The older man smirked down at him, throwing Julio's clothes to the side. Slowly, Devon took in the sight beneath him. "What, you wanted to see me naked first?"

"Yeah, something like that," Devon whispered, letting the boy take off the rest of his clothing. As soon as Devon got back on top of his partner, he couldn't help but moan at the sensation of their bare flesh touching. The warmth spread across Julio's body, and blood rushed to his lower regions, giving him an erection that pressed right against Devon's hips. "Excited?" he asked, as if only mildly amused. With one of his hands, he reached down and brushed a finger up the boy's length.

The boy squirmed beneath him, squeezing his eyes shut. "Hn..."

After a few more strokes, Devon slid down the boy's body and flicked his tongue out so it brushed against the tip of his partner's erection. A loud moan slipped from Julio's lips, only to grow even louder when he let his tongue r up and down the length of it.

A moment later Julio groaned, eyes squeezing shut when he felt Devon's mouth wrap arod his cock. The heat was driving him insane...everything felt so good. His erection throbbed, sending pleasure coursing through his body. "Devon, ..." he moaned, throwing his hands forward so they tangled themselves in his partner's red hair. "Ahh!" Pleasure built up deep inside of him, and just when he felt like it was going to burst, Devon pulled away. "Don't stop, ," he begged, biting his lip to hold back any other noises.

"I don't want you to get tired out yet," the man purred, moving up to blow hot air into Julio's ear.

He inhaled sharply. "Hurry up."

"Demanding, and impatient. You're starting to act like me," Devon murmured, letting his hands r down the boy's back, being sure to let his fingers linger arod the arch of his back. Sure enough, Julio squirmed, and bit his lip.

Without the man realizing it, Julio had managed to slip his hand down, and grab at his erection. He had to keep himself from shouting at first, but made no move to stop the boy. The boy pumped at his cock, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his lower body. Devon moaned softly, enjoying the touch of his partner on his skin. "Julio..."

"Impatient, impatient." The man rolled his eyes before spreading his boyfriend's legs apart. Moving so that his arms were wrapped tightly arod the boy's torso, he got the both of them into a comfortable position. Devon gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the lips before thrusting inside of him. Rather than screaming like he had expected him to, Julio inhaled sharply, and locked his arms arod his partner. His body was tense, but a smile was plastered on his face. The man froze for a moment, not sure of what to do.

"Keep going." the boy moaned, nails digging into the man's back.

Doing as he was told, Devon slowly began thrusting in and out of his partner, grabbing onto the boy tighter as the pleasure grew. Everything was warm, and Julio's breath on his skin was driving him insane. Quickly, his thrusts became harder and faster, and the boy's legs were locked tightly arod him.

For a moment, he paused and pulled Julio into a deep kiss, adjusting the boy on his lap as he did so. The boy was panting heavily, and could only kiss for a few seconds at a time before he had to move away for air. " feel so good." Julio moaned, rocking his hips so that the man was moving inside of him.

Devon smirked, and thrusted into his partner once more, directly hitting his prostate. The boy let out a yell, surprising the both of them at first. Stars danced in front of Julio's vision, and his body became overwhelmed with a feeling of pleasure he could hardly handle. A few thrusts later, and the boy could hardly control his body. "Devon!" he screamed, digging his nails into the man's back as he felt an orgasm sweep through his entire body. He came all over the both of their stomachs, trying to stifle a scream when Devon continued to thrust in and out of him. "Oh my God, ," he groaned, able to handle the feelings that were coursing through his body.

A few thrusts later, Devon inhaled sharply and came inside of the boy. Still inside of the boy, he found himself gasping for air, and overcome by feelings of both weariness and absolute bliss. "Fuck, Julio," he groaned before crashing their lips together. Gently, he pulled away from his boyfriend and brushed a few strands of boy hair out of the boy's face. Sweat had beg to form on his hairline, and he was breathing heavily, face covered in a deep blush.

Julio leaned forward, and kissed the again. "I love you."

"I love you too." Devon whispered.

Moments later, Julio woke up and found that his boxers were wet. "What a dream." he thought as he looked over at a sleeping Devon. Embarrassed and turned on he went to the bathroom to clean up.



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