Rough Kiss

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I have another fanfic called "Favorite Hallways" starting Straubee, Kiani, GBomb and a little bit of PYBZI! Go check it out!
*smut in this chapter!*

Zach pulled himself off of the couch, only partially aware of his surroundings. He had passed out for what had seemed like hours, but when he looked at the clock hanging over Liam's television, he saw that it had only been a half an hour. Great, his nap had made him feel even more tired, if that was even possible.

He heard Liam shuffling around in the kitchen, but didn't pay much attention to it; the boy was more focused on getting himself reoriented with his surroundings. He blinked a few times, stretched, and heard his back make a sickening crack. That was going to have to be good enough. He had been so out of it during work that Devon had sent him home early, and even hours later, he didn't feel much better. Zach just couldn't focus. All of his thoughts were on Will, thanks to the incident, and he was fairly sure that Liam was going to be getting a phone call from Jordan, telling him that the boy had finally offed himself.

He knew, no matter what he though, that the news would upset him. Will was his closest friends, and he would miss him for purely selfish reasons. In reality, Will was probably better off dead, given his current situation. There was no use in him being alive if he would spend his days moping, cutting, and starving himself, as painful as it was to admit.

Had this been his first suicidal friend, he would have been panicking quite a bit more, but he had lost more than he could count at this point, so maybe just accepting it and moving on would be easier.

No matter how many times he told himself that, he couldn't get rid of the dreadful feeling that was sitting in the pit of his stomach.

To make matters worse, the sound of Liam's phone rang in his ears within the minute. Instead of jumping up, he waited for Liam. He didn't want to be the one to have to handle this.

Sure enough, Liam rushed into the kitchen and picked up the phone not a second after it rang. He silently prayed that it was Jordan. Since he had sent his coworker home, he had been all but glued to his phone, waiting for some word about Will.


"Hey." Liam let out a huge sigh of relief at the sound of the man's voice. Then, he realized how worried the man's tone was, and his anxiety level shot right back up. "Are you busy?"

"Not at all. What's going on?" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zach shift positions on the couch so that he could watch the phone call. Looks like he already knew who it was. God, he could only hope that Will wasn't dead.

"There was an...incident. But it's alright, I think. I figured I would call to let you know."

"What happened?"

There was silence for a good minute. Jordan was having trouble here. Not good. Finally, the other man sighed and forced the words out. "Will tried to shoot himself."

"He tried to what?!" Liam screeched, loud enough to make Zach jump in his seat. There was no way he had heard that right. "What the fuck happened? Jordan, please tell me he's alive."

"Of course he's alive. That's why I said 'tried'."


"I...don't want to go into it."

"Is he in the hospital?"

"Of course not. He got the wall on his first try, and I got there before he could try it again." Now, Liam was absolutely thrilled that he had sent Jordan home when he did. If not, it would have been absolutely horrific.

"Is he okay? Mentally, I mean."

"I believe so. I made us lunch, and he's sleeping right now, to try and calm down."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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