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long chapter bc of not updating in long time :D Kiani and GBomb Leave a fave and comment whats ur fav part of the fanfic so far hoorAYY


"I think you're beautiful" Bayani murmed.

*2 Hours Later*

Jordan walked past Will's door to hear him sobbing. He'll have to talk to him in the morning


The morning after the incident, Wikl felt nothing short of embarrassed to death. What the fuck had made him think it would be a good idea to storm off into his room and hide for the rest of the night? The only positive was that his stomach was killing him; the sign of a successfully skipped dinner. That, and Jordan hadn't even made an attempt to get him to eat.

After a quick shower, the boy moved slowly into the kitchen, not quite awake yet.


Said boy squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before reopening them to look at Jordan. "Good morning." he mumbled as casually as he could. And he thought he hated himself before. Now, he felt like a full blown idiot. Fat and stupid, what a perfect match.

"I made you some breakfast. It might be a lot, but I know you didn't eat dinner," Jordan said flatly, sitting himself down at the table. Oh, great. Just with a quick glance, Will could see tons upon tons of carbs staring back at him. There was no way he could do this. That, and he really didn't want to.

"Oh. Uhm. Thanks." he muttered, knowing that he didn't sound sincere in the least.

The two of them sat down at the table, and it wasn't until Will had forced a bit of food into his mouth that the guardian spoke again. Chew, chew, swallow. He thought about the process of eating, rather than what he was actually putting into his mouth. Unfortunately, it wasn't that great of a distraction, because as soon as the food went down his throat, he felt the full extent of how hungry he was.

"Is there anything you'd like to do today? I'm off from work," Jordan informed him, trying his best to smile as he watched the boy eat. In the past ten minutes, he had only eaten about five bites of his meal.

Will shrugged. He really didn't want to do anything with the Bayani. He wanted to sit by himself and wallow in self pity and insecurity until he ended up drowning in it. "I'm fine with staying home. the British boy replied, forcing a smile onto his face. "You're probably tired from working so much."

Jordan blinked a few times. "I'm used to it," he lied. Really, he was dead tired, but he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to try and brighten this kid's day. After last night, he really needed it. Speaking of which...he eyed the boy just in time to see him giving his breakfast a death glare. There wasn't even an ounce of progress since he had first arrived at Jordan's house, and said man had no idea as to what he had to do to help. Finally, he put his fork down and stared straight at the boy. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." the British boy replied quickly. Too quickly.

"Talk to me."

Will looked up at Jordan, then back down at his plate. No matter where his eye went, he was uncomfortable. "About what?" he muttered. He tried to play stupid, but the act was horrendously pathetic, even to him.

"Will, don't try to pull that stunt with me."

The room fell silent, save for the sound of Will scraping his fork against the still full plate in front of him. Several minutes passed, and it wasn't until they made uncomfortable eye contact for at least the hundredth time that the boy finally decided to try and speak. "I'm sorry."

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