Speaking Louder

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Short quick update. Comment and fave if you enjoyed and want more! See ya next chapter! Merry Christmas/Eve :))


The trip back to Devon's house was completely silent. Julio stared out the window, while Devon focused on the road. What he had seen was nothing short of awful. He had never experienced Will at such a low point, and it was actually horrific. What made matters worse was that he had absolutely no idea as to what he could do. Jordan was the root of the problem, so none of his efforts would be good enough unless the manwas involved.

Had Julio been in the boy's situation, he would have left. His guardian wasn't worth that much suffering. Wasn't worth killing himself over. But Will saw something in him, and he couldn't get him to change his mind, no matter what happened.

When they got inside, Julio threw himself down on the couch, and Devon went to the kitchen to put on some tea. When it was finished, the two of them sat next to each other, silence still as strong as ever.

As he reached towards the coffee table for his tea, Julio looked down at his hands, and saw that they were shaking. At first, he thought he was cold, but pushed the thought aside when he felt a white hot anger seep into his body. Will's touch still lingered on his skin, and the boy's tears still burned him.

For the first time in a while, his thoughts were diverted from his insecurity, and were now focused on Will's suffering. He was furious...not at Will, but Jordan. He looked over at Devon, who sat on the couch, completely unaware of what was going on in his head. Though he was livid, Julio always kept his cool, calm facade.

This time, however, he completely forgot his fears, he forgot Devon, and he forgot his disorder. All he knew was the sting of Will's grip against his flesh.

"He's an asshole," Julio whispered, surprising himself when he felt the words pass through his lips. The vibration of his vocal chords tickled his throat, and it scared him for a moment until his anger pushed the fear away.

Devon, on the other hand, looked like he was about to die from shock. He had never heard Julio say anything with so much emotion.

"He's a fucking asshole," Julio said, louder this time. Devon, rather than being relieved that the boy was finally speaking, knew that this was dangerous. He moved close to Julio so that if he reacted, he'd be right their to either help him, or stop him.

"He's a fucking asshole!" Julio screamed, slamming both hands down on the coffee table, almost to the point of making the wooden surface crack.

Devon leaned forward and seized Julio by the shoulders. "Who are you talking about, Julio? What happened?" he asked, only to be shoved backwards by the younger man.

"How can you be so stupid!" Julio hissed. "None of you see it!"

"Julio, what the hell are you talking about?!"

"Jordan and Will, you moron," Julio growled.

"...What?" Devon managed to force out. "Julio, what's going on?" he asked softly, noticing that the younger man was now shaking violently.

"Will works so hard to make that bastard like him. He always acts like everything's fine, and acts like an idiot to make sure no one gets as depressed as he is. Jordan has absolutely no respect for him, and he treats him like shit."

Devon stared at the boy, and rose a brow. He had heard everything that Julio had said, and absorbed all of it, but something more important had caught his attention. "Are you...crying?"

Sure enough, Julio was beginning to tear up, and his face turned beet red from embarrassment. Of course, he shook his head "no."

"Julio, why are you letting this hit you so hard?" Devon murmured, letting one of his hands rest on the boy's shoulder. It was upsetting yes, but it wasn't worth a complete meltdown.

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