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Ahhh, I'm sorry it took so long to update this D: Ughhh. I'msosorryyyyy. But here's a new long chapter! Sorry about the wait you guys ;-; rate & comment if you enjoy!


Graser leaned against the counter and sighed heavily. Devon had him closing the coffee shop for the day, and he hadn't seen more than fifteen people since his shift had started. The shop was almost ready to be locked up for the night, and in fifteen minutes maximum, he would be running the fuck out of there, trying to get home as fast as possible.

In the meantime, the low amount of customers gave him time to think. Usually, he didn't mind, but as of late his brain was filled with thoughts he didn't want to have. After his discussion-if one could call it that-with Liam, he began to question everything. Especially his beliefs. That, more than anything else, terrified him. He had clung on to sacrifices for so long that he couldn't imagine a life without it.

But even with such a dependency, his ability to believe in it so readily was wavering. Liam had brought up an excellent point that the kid couldn't overlook. Graser was cutting himself deeply, just like his beliefs commanded, but his friends weren't getting better. Sure, he was getting better, but that wasn't what he was doing these rituals were for. Will, was just as depressed as ever, and he hadn't heard a thing about Julio.

And his sacrifices was supposed to make everything better. So...why wasn't anything working.

The man shook his head, and ran a hand through his unruly hair. How the fuck was he supposed to deal with this? His life was going from decent to completely out of control faster than he could handle, and it was actually beginning to scare him. Who was he supposed to talk to? Will certainly couldn't handle any more; he had enough of his own problems to take care of. And Julio wouldn't be able to get out enough words to say anything useful.

That left Devon, Jordan, or Liam. Jordan was automatically out, Devon he still had to deal with in a professional setting...that left Liam.

And he was the bastard that had messed everything up in the first place.

Graser sighed again. Why did everything need to be so complicated? Fucking Liam, messing up everything that he had worked towards. He had believed in his system so deeply that no one had been able to do this to him. What the hell was going on?

With a groan, Graser looked at his watch, only to realize with a small amount of glee that it was time for him to get the hell out of there. After following all of the procedures that Devon had shown him, the coffee shop was locked up, and he was on his way home.

Even then, he couldn't get his mind off of the problem. The people heading home from work couldn't distract him, and neither could the man that nearly ran him over while he was crossing the street. That was an extremely bad sign. When he couldn't even cover up his problems with blind rage, there was definitely something wrong.

To make matters worse, Liam was already home when he opened the door.

"How was work?" the older man asked, not bothering to look up from his paper.

"Fuck off."

That, on the other hand, earned him a quick glance. "A normal day then, huh?"

"Fucking worse," Graser grumbled. Normally, he would have at least sat next to Liam and humored him with small talk, but he was in no mood. He wanted to go into his room and cut himself.

But at the same time, he didn't. And that was another thing that was terrifying him. He wanted to watch himself bleed, but he didn't. Wanted to cut, but didn't. Wanted to sacrifice, but didn't.

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