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"Yoongi please talk to me!" he yelled the frustration pentting up in him already holding his elder by the shoulders in the atempt of trying to get it out of him, then his thoughts clicked.

"Im sorry I shouldn't force it...but please tell me what wrong-" "not unless you tell me"

It hit him like a bat straight to his dick. He cant just admit to his poor friend that he found comfort in straving himself.

"I strave myself to look lovelier" he looked down on the grey pavement currently situated on a black bench by a nieghboorhood. "I-I always care about others and think about them before me. Even the times where im supposed to be thinking about me i spend it think about others, espacially you yoongi hyung" The elder soon looks up from him pircing gaze at the pavement.

"Jimin, I.. please let me help"

The man has no idea how he ended up by the toliet bowl on his knee's, not stuffing his fingers down his throat but instead trying to. The memories of his confession playing like a broken record playing in the backround of his days. Though he really wanted to turn it off he couldn't let go of the memory.

He tried patting his fingers on the back of his throat but he never brought himself to do it and he was ashamed yet again scared. What if he actually did it but then contuined to do it? It would lead to his death of course, it was the obivious. He wanted to do it but he didnt want to die but he also did at the same time.

He didn't want to leave yoongi behind, he was all he had ,his parents out of he picture, new friends haven't made it yet. This 26 year old man was keeping him alive which was amazing but at the same time he wanted to leave everything. He wanted to leave he pain, he wanted to leave eveyone he knew though he was completly acknowledgeable that his friends wouldn't move on so quickly he still wanted to leave.

"Chim?! Are you alright?!" His elder spoke with fear but padded the door with care.

"Im alright, dont worry I wasn't doing anything stupid you gotta trust me. I'll be out in a bit" Yoongi then left with a sweet hum and walked off.

Jimin stared at the mirror waving his hands through his pink grey hair constantly think about if pigeons have feelings just to get his mind of things then soon exiting.

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