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"Jimin please! Its alright! I can help you out with rent! Just please dont get another job. Dancing takes up so much of your time and energy." He pleaded. Putting all his heart and soul into his words but it never got through Jimin's head. The other tried so hard for him to able to say fine he will but he never did. He couldn't.

"No yomin i cant-i cant let you pay." He pushed the money on the counter towards yoongi who was just given the name yomin for a short cut. He didn't want to ruin the mood of the silent cafe so he didn't bother to cry.

"Please jimin god im begging you. You can't keep living like this chim. The last i want is to see you pass out which im surprised hasn't happened but please i dont want it too." His vision began to fog and the air in the mask to stuffed to even breath in anymore. Deciding a fuck it and pulling it to his chin. It doesn't matter that the media sees him with a man and money on the table, all he cares about is the man taking it.

"yoog-min-yoomin i- fine i'll take it" after what seems like forvevr he finally said it. If they weren't to be in public Yoongi could've kissed him, obviated he couldn't. Instead he went for hug around the waist.

"Jimin please stop worrying about you numbers. I dont want to burry the person I love." He whispered into his ear, rubbing his nose against the others neck.

"I will try love." He simply said.

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