Chapter Ten

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If I asked you to dance, would you take my hand and open your heart to all I have... Hale sighs, watching Bella laugh and joke with Jinx on the outer ring of the dance circle that has formed in the middle do the dark gym. The song he's working on is almost done and all he wants to do is go home to write it down before he forgets the verse.

"You need to ask her to dance, sitting over here looking like a lost puppy dog." Viv's voice breaks Hale's concentration. He frowns, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Shut up, Viv." He replies, grumpily as he leans back in his chair, crossing his arms on his chest.

"All I'm saying it you look pathetic and it's totally ruining everyone's vibe." She informs him in a matter-of-fact tone, taking a seat at his table.

Hale rolls his eyes, casting her as dirty look. He felt pathetic, but he didn't need someone to remind him. "Yeah, whatever."

Viv hums, annoyed. "You suck, Hale. You know that? You walk around, like a God and everyone treats you that way, all you do is look down on people and honestly it's getting old."

Her voice is sharp, meant to hurt. It did. He looks at her, an eyebrow raised. Vivian inhales deeply before continuing after Hale didn't stop her. "With Bella around it's like the clouds part and you are a ray of sunshine. Whether you realize it or not, the rest of us do, she makes you happy." She voice had softened, "It's about time you let her know that."

He wanted to point out that they've known each other for about a month, but he held his tongue. Viv had a point, his attitude was borderline unbearable sometimes, even for him. He sighs, fidgeting with his bracelet as the baby begins to wail. It's before a pattern, he's noticed. The first thing it wanted was feed, then burped, then changed and then rocked. It always happened that way, but he decided not to tell Bella, as it was her grade and maybe she could learn something from this thing.

Why make it easier on her? He smirks a little to himself as he picks the baby clad in pink clothes up and holds his bracelet to it's chest. The chime sings to him and he place the baby back in the carseat, using the toe of his shoe to rock the carseat. It doesn't know the difference between being held and rocked and rocked in the seat.

"Daddy duties are over, you're going to go dance with Bella." Viv grabs the seat, sliding it across the floor. Hale opens his mouth to protest, but is cut off by her, "Now." She ordered pointedly, leaving no room for arguing.

The walk up to Bella felt like an eternity. Like every step he took, his heart pounded harder. He shouldn't be this nervous, it's just Bella. It's just a dance. He wanted to convince himself that, but he knew it meant more to him deep down. He had to find a way to make it mean something to her too, but he hoped it would anyway. He could only hope she feels a fraction of what he feels.

As Hale reaches Bella, she grins at him, taking his breathe away. He manages to smile back before it gets too awkward. As they exchange these smiles, another figure joins them.

"Bella, I'm here for that dance." Will informs, and Hale catches a whiff of the alcohol on his breathe. He looks slightly inebriated, his tie crooked and his jacket wrinkled.

Bella frowns at him, taking the smallest step closer to Hale. She asks as Will sways slightly, "Are you okay?"

He frowns back at her, squaring his shoulders, "Of course I'm fine, I just want to dance."

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