Chapter Thirty

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The location was a secluded area, an abandoned barn outside of town. The building was run down and everything was cast in an eerie light from the flashing light hanging on the outside of the barn. Hale parks his car right outside of the instructed building. His mom fiddles with her shirt in the passenger seat next to him. He would never willingly offer her up to him, but she insisted on doing this for Mia.

And he was just trying not to shit himself. He wasn't too proud to admit he was scared out of his mind. He felt like a Chihuahua trying to control his shaking. This would be the first time he's had to face Kevin since the trial. Not to mention that he was worried about Mia in there, with that monster. He knew the things Kevin is capable of and didn't even want to imagine the kind of torture he could be putting her through right now.

"I just want you to know that I love you," He tells his mom, breaking their silence. When he came home in tears, she knew something was very wrong.

After he explained the situation and started going over plans to get Mia back without giving her to Kevin, she knew she had to go. At the end of the day, it was her job to protect her only son. That is what she had promised his father before he died. That she would protect both of their children. Because they meant the world to Andrew, but she had failed once. If sacrificing herself was what it took this time around, she would do it.

"And I forgive you," He adds.

He knew this could very well be the last time he saw his mom. And he didn't want to leave her letting her think he holds Kevin against her. There was no way she could have known. It was so well hidden and he was wrong for blaming her all these years. Now he might as well be losing her, just to have spent all his time hating her. He wished there was some other way he could be handling this. But if he wants to get Mia back, it's best to do as he was told. Kevin didn't seem like he was playing when he said he would kill Mia. And Hale would never bargain with her life.

"I love you too." She tells him, "I'm so proud of you. And your father would be too."

Hale presses his lips together. "I'm so sorry." He apologizes. His mind was a battlefield. How could he offer his mother up like this? What kind of son was he?

"Let's go." She gives him a tight lipped smile.

They get out, gravel crunching beneath their feet as they approach the big doors of the barn. Every muscle in his body tells him to turn around. But every cells fights fights back, for Mia. He could never leave her, not even if he wanted to. Mia is his princess, his little world with dimples and two missing front teeth, who loves unicorns and horses. She loves karaoke and had her first kiss with his one of his best friends' brothers. To lose Mia would crush him.

He could get his mom help. He would have to.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" His mom asks, her voice seemingly echoing off the walls.

"Laura?" The squeaky, mouse like voice makes Hale cringe. But what he doesn't expect to see if Kyle, or at least who he thought was Kyle, step into the light.

"Kevin." Her voice isn't warm, or anywhere near welcoming.

Hale's head spins as his heart beat picks up. He was there the whole time. Kevin had changed drastically. He was no longer chubby with greasy hair. No wonder Hale didn't recognize him. His features were a lot sharper now. And of course, he was bald. Hale should have known. He should have sensed it, this man haunts his dreams, terrorizing him. He feel disgusted with himself for letting his guard down.

"Cat got your tongue?" Kevin grins, showing a mouth full of knocked out teeth. Hale almost smiles, he was probably someone's bitch in jail. Even if he did manage to bulk up. When Hale doesn't respond, Kevin laughs, humorlessly. "I always knew you would grow up to be a bitch. That's why I beat you so badly, to toughen you up."

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